You are better (QuackiHalo)

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3rd face Pov

"You also lied to her that you have no one! You're an jerk, Zak!" - Darryl shouted.
Tears flowed from his eyes.
"No, Darryl. I told her that i have a boyfriend. She refused to listen to me. Let's talk. Just wait for me." - Zak told him.
"No. You told me that you have no one. Why are you lying now?" - said the girl.
"That's enough, Zak! I endured your deceptions for year, and now I declare. I'm breaking up with you, Zak! Forever!" - Darryl stated.
"What? No. No! You won't do that!" - Zak said as he took Darryl's hand.
But Darryl pulled it out.
"DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU FREAK!" - he yelled, punching Zak hard in the face, almost knocking him down.
He quickly turned around and left.

In the house of an already ex-boyfriend, Darryl packed his things. Zak kept saying "sorry", begging him to stay. But Darryl was not inclined.
"Shut up, Zak! I don't want to hear you or see your ungly face anymore! We are breaking up! Forever!!" - Darryl shouted as he zipped up his suitcase. "Come on, Lucy." - he called his dog as he left the room.
Lucy automatically ran after him.

Once on a dark street, Darryl sat on a swing in the park. Now it was late. Tears flowed from the boy's emerald eyes again. He hated Zak for his deceptions. Lucy just just sits next to her owner, looking at him longingly. A voice pulled Darryl out of his bad thoughts.
"Darryl? What are you doing here?"
Darryl looked when he saw his best friend Alex (Quackity).
"Oh. Hey Alex. What are you doing here yourself?" - Darryl asked.
"I was just walking. How are you here yourself?" - Alex asked.
Darryl told him everything about Zak's betrayal.
"I knew there was something wrong with that diamond bastard! I felt that he stinks of deceit! Now i going to go and beat the shit out of his head!" - Alex said.
"Don't do it, Alex! I broke up with him forever! I'll do it myself!" - Darryl begging him screaming.
"Ok ok. But i won't leave you and Lucy there in the cold night. Come to my house." - Alex said.
"Aww, Alex. You are the best!" - Darryl said hugging his friend.

Alex brought a friend to his house and told him to make himself at home. Although Darryl felt like a burgen with Lucy in a friend's house, he was also grateful to Alex for the warm welcome. He can safely forget about his ex without sitting out in the cold night. Lucy could quickly get along with Tiger - Alex's cat. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door.
"Are you waiting for someone, Alex?" - Darryl asked.
"No." - Alex said.
Darryl got up and went to open it. Before opening the door, he looked through the peephole. There he saw someone he no longer wanted to see in his life. He opened the door. It was... Zak.
"How are you doing here? How did you find me?" - Darryl asked indignantly.
"By GPS in your phone. Listen, Darryl. Listen to me. Let's forget about today and start over." - Zak stated.
"What? Forget what? What to start?" - Darryl said angrily.
"Darryl, stop being mad. Let's forget everything, as if nothing happened." - Zak said.
"Hey Darryl. Are you okay there?" - Alex asked, approaching the guys.
"Yes, Alex. Everything is fine. It's just my ex who you wanted to punch in the face. He's leaving right now." - Darryl said.
"I'm not go anywhere! I will leave only with you! So pack your things and come to my house!" - Zak firmly stated.
Darryl just crossed his arms and turned away.
"Don't you understand, you're diamond bitch? You're not welcome here!" - Alex said.
"I didn't come to please you! I came for my boyfriend!" - Zak said.
"Heheh. There's mistake here, man. It's just my boyfriend here!" - Alex grinned.
Darryl's eyes bulged.
"That's my boyfriend! And now he's coming with me! Plus he's my future bride!" - Zak said.
"There's another mistake here, Zak. This is my boyfriend! And he will become my bride!" - Alex said, suddenly wrapping his arm around Darryl's neck and kissing him on the lips.
Darryl didn't move, his face reddened.
"WHAT DOES ALL OF THIS MEAN?" - Zak shouted.
"Heh. See? This my boyfriend! So leave my house before i smear your face on the ground!" - Alex said.
"Me? I'm a good person, unlike you, bitch." - Alex said, standing at the doorway.
"Heh. Good person." - Zak grinned.
Suddenly, Alex punched him in the face, pushing him over the vice. Alex slammed and locked the door. Meanwhile, Darryl just stood there watching it all with red face and a hand over his mouth. He began to relize how pathetic Zak was. He began to regret that he loved him. And at the same time, his heart was beating fast from the fact that Alex called him his boyfriend.

Over time, he began to understand that Alex probably threated him carefully for a reason. Looks like he had feelings to Darryl. Darryl believes that with Alex his life will be bright. After all, Alex did a lot for him during all this time when they were friends. Darryl himself thought it was friendly, but then it turned out not. Darryl began to feel something. He begins to relize that he is starting to fall in love with Alex. After all, he... was better than Zak.

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