eddie's anger

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WARNING: past abuse. Abuse ptsd

On a call a drunk man almost hits buck. Eddie knocks the man out

The day started off normally. They all ate and were doing calls like normal. They got called for a domestic victim who had got some cuts while escaping

When they arive they see the man being talked to by the police probably getting his statement.

Hem and chimney go to check on the women while Bobby goes to talk to the cop who was there so they could know the situation

Buck was standing a little away from the women and her husband when she starts talking. "He always does this while drunk." She Says crying

"He always gets so mad." She said and he heard her.

"Well if you would shut your mouth I wouldn't have to hit you" he says like it's a reason to beat her.

Buck was mad "that doesn't mean you get to hit her" he says and the man breaks from the police thst was holding his arms.

As he comes rushing towards buck his mind shifts. He goes back to when he was younger and his dad would take his anger out on buck.

He always told him he was usless and the only thing he was good for was being a punching bad. He never told anyone but the instincts were still there.

He got down covering his head and making himself a ball so the man couldn't do as much damage.

"No no" Buck yells in a panic.

The man just smirks and goes to punch. Buck ducks his head and gets ready for it but it never comes.

Instead he hears a thump next to him. He doesn't dare look up still afraid.

He kept mumbling obviously not in reality.

Eddie was above him his arm still reached out where he punched the guy.

Eddie gets next to buck and touched his arm gently. Buck flinches and the mumbling becomes clear.

"Im sorry I'll be useful I promise I'll be useful" Buck is saying it over and over.

"Buck" eddie says and it seems to be enough because buck stops mumbling and looks at him

His eyes are wide and he is crying. Eddie hugs him "your ok" eddie says and buck slowly relaxed

Buck had told eddie some of it. Eddie knew his father used to be abusive. He didn't know details or why but he knew it happened so he knew what was going on.

He takes buck back to the truck and they sit inside. Eddie slowly calms buck down.

The guy wakes up and tries to fight put they put him in handcuffs and put him in the back of the cop car.

They put the women in the back of the ambulance. Bobby sent hen and chimney to take her while he takes the others back to the station.

Bobby sent Maddie a text asking her to come to the fireststion and that buck needed her.

She responded almost instantly that she was on her way.  Bobby got in and started driving them back.

He loved buck like his own and wanted to help but knew buck needed his sister and eddie right now.

They don't speak the whole ride back. Bobby drives while eddie just holds buck.

When they get back Bobby is glad to see that Maddie already arived. When buck gets out she hugs him.

She didn't know what was going on but Bobby could see buck relax into her and knew he made the right choice.

"Go to the sleep room" Bobby offers and Maddie nods.

Eddie stays back knowing this is a conversation between the two of them.

Bobby stands next to him as they watch the two walk away. "Nice punch" Bobby said and eddie chuckled nervously

"I didn't really think. I just heard buck and saw red." Eddie said and Bobby put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you stepped in. He cares about you and it's obvious you care about him. I'm glad he has you" Bobby says and eddie feels happy.

He nods and they go up to eat and get some coffee.

Mean while Maddie takes buck to the sleep room. They sit on one of the beds facing eachother

"What happened?" Maddie asks and buck shrugged but she just crossed her arms.

"It's no big deal" Buck tried but she shakes her head.

"If Bobby asked me to come over it's important" she said and he sighed.

"Our father used to abuse me. It started a week after you left. He would best me and tell me im not useful so my only use was being a punching bag" Buck explains not looking at maddie

He couldn't look at her. He couldn't see her expression. He wasn't sure if she would believe him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Maddie asks making buck suprised.

When he looks at her he sees she is crying slightly. She hugs him and he knows she believes him.

"He told me you wouldn't believe me" Buck explains crying now.

Maddie looks shocked "of course I would believe you. Oh buck im so sorry if only I had known" she said holding him.

He cried harder. "I'm going no contact with them. We don't need them. They were never there for us. We have eachother that's all we need" Maddie says and buck sniffles

She pulls back and holds her pinky out. "Me and you forever. No more parents" she said and he curled his pinky around hers.

"Yea" he said and they continued to talk.

Buck told her all about the abuse and how long it had been going on. She broke and was pissed. When it was all over buck felt better.

They talked about getting buck into therapy for it. She left shorty after and buck was tired.

When he looked sound the only person he saw was eddie. Eddie came towards him. "A little better?" Eddie asks

Buck nodded and sighed. "I'm so tired now." Buck said honestly

"Why don't you come over to mine you can sleep and nobody will bother you" eddie says and buck nods.

Eddie's couch sounds heavenly to his tired body and mind. "Thst would be great." Buck says honestly

Then bobby comes down the stairs. "You ok kid?" He asks and buck nods.

"I will be. Thank you for calling maddie" Buck says and Bobby nods.

"Why don't you and eddie leave early. We only had half an hour left and b shift already arived so you two head off." Bobby says and eddie nods.

Buck looks like he wants to complain but a yawn stops that. "Fine I'll see you in 42 hours" Buck says since they have the next 2 days off.

"See you then get some rest" Bobby says as they leave.

Buck was greatful his jeep was in the shop since he wouldn't have to drive. Eddie had come to get him so thst meant eddie would drive them home.

When they arived they went inside and eddie walked to his room. He came back with a pair of sleep pants.

Eddie knew buck didnt sleep with a shirt on so he didn't bring one. Buck took them "thanks" he says before going to the bathroom to change.

Eddie goes to his room and changes. He doesn't have a shirt on since it's a warm night.

They both settle onto the couch and before eddie can even put a movie on buck is snoring.

His head was resting on eddies shoulder. Eddie chuckled and slowly moved laying buck down. He covers the man and turns the TV off.

"Goodnight" he says quietly as he kisses his head. He then heads to his room going to bed.

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