buck vs parenting

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When eddie gets shot it takes a few days to get out of the hospital while he is there buck takes care of chris and learns just what it means to be a dad.

Based off the scene where chris wakes him up because they slept in and now he was late for school

Eddie was in the hospital still recovering from being shot and then going into surgery right after. Buck being buck took it upon himself to take care of chris.

The first day went perfect. Buck and chris had talked about what chris' schedule was. Buck knew most of it but he listened anyway, he makes a plan with chris for how the days would work. The second day was almost perfect but they did have to change some stuff up specially in the mornings. By the third day buck was tired.

How did Eddie do this everyday? Getting up early and getting chris up is easy. Getting chris ready and fed is something he is used to but he is also used to getting enough sleep.

It's not taking care of chris that is making him tired it's the late shifts and then having to do it again the next morning.

Getting himself ready and up on 4 hours of sleep is easy. Getting a kid up and taken care of on 4 hours of sleep? That's a challenge.

Buck manages for the third day but they did have to get breakfast on the way to dropping Chris off or they would be late.

Buck tries to go see eddie every chance he gets which makes his timing specific so he has time. The routine he had made was simple.

He wakes up and gets chris ready for school, takes him to school then goes to work. After work he tries to see eddie before he has to get chris from school. Then it's back to Eddie's, feed chris and get him ready for bed before he tries to sleep which usually isn't easy.

If he has a long shift which has seemed to happen a lot lately. He goes about the morning routine and drops chris off before work but Carla picks him up and he doesn't get to see eddie which makes the day seem so much more exhausting.

The fourth day is when it all goes down hill. First he has a long shift which was full of crazy non-stop emergencies then he gets to Eddie's and finds chris already asleep. Then he can't sleep. When he finally does its like a coma again he doesn't wake to his alarm or the sound of chris waking up and turning it off.

Then he feels the taps on his leg and wakes up looking at Chris. "Buck buck we are late like super late" chris says and when buck looks at the clock he curses under his breath

Chris was suposed to be at school by 7:40am and it was now already 10:30am.

He gets up and looked at chris "i don't have work today so how about we stay home today?" Buck says and chris smiled.

"Can we go see dad?" He asks and buck smiled

"I don't see why not. But first let's eat and I gotta shower" he says stretching and yawning.

The boys work on getting themselves awake and ready for the day. Buck takes a quick shower before sending chris in for one while he cooks breakfast.

Once breakfast is done and chris is sitting down eating buck walks to the side and calls him in from school

"Hello I need to excuse christopher diaz for today" he says and he knows the lady on the other end.

She had called him the last time when eddie was late to picking chris up and his phone was dead.

"Alright I just need your full name." She Says and buck always feels weird saying his legal name.

"Evan buckley" he says and it feels weird on his tongue.

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