called out

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Chimney goes off on eddie and buck after hearing them flirt all morning

Chimney is sick of it. Buck and eddie had been flirting since the moment they entered the building maybe even before.

"Here honey just how you like it" eddie said and buck had taken it with a smile.

"Thanks sweetie" was his response and chimney thought it would end there

It did not.

Ar first chimney was going to let it go. Eddie had made them coffee and when he passed buck his cup he called him honey no big deal.

Then they were constantly pressing against eachother and it got annoying. Then they start teasing eachother "let me get this straight" eddie said and chimney finally snapped

Chimney responds with "you?"

This makes eddie blush and buck laughs

"We will get to you in a second sweetie" he says using a nickname buck called eddie a few minutes ago making buck shut up

"Both of you sit now" chimnry says and they sit.

Hen laughs and smiles at her best friend who goes off

"You Two need to figure your shit our. You both have gone on dates with chick's and it never works out because your too bust with eachother. It's obvious you flirt with eachother so please for the love of my sanity figure it out" chimney says and buck looks like he is about to protest so he speaks.

"You told Maddie you had a crush on eddie and eddie had told hen he has a crush on you so please get together already so I can stop watching this horrible thing you two do where you flirt but stop before it becomes more then just teasing." Chimney says and they are quite

Hen Then chips in "go get a room you two I'll pick chris up and he can spend the weekend with me but on Monday you two better be walking to work hand in hand" she says sternly

They nod "I'll tell the school your coming to get him after" eddie says picking his phone out of his pocket to call while buck just blushes.

"Is it that obvious?" He asks and hen sighs

Her gaze softens and she nods "it is. I'm suprised women even went out with you or eddie. You two are inseparable" she says and he smiled.

"You guys are ok with that?" He asks and they both nod.

"Everyone is even bobby and athena" hen says and he smiled

"Thank you guys" he says before the two leave. Thankfully it was the end of the day now.

"You were kinda mean" hen says and chimney sighed.

"I know but those two needed a reality check and not a nice one" He says and she nods.

"You know if they get together before Monday you lose the bet right?" She asks and he shrugs.

"I'll take losing over another shift with those two being in deniel" he says and she laughs.

They head out together Going to get food before they head home to their families

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