getting shot

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Buck asked eddie what he remembered from getting shot and bucks reaction makes eddie confused so he goes to the captain they were with for answers but finds it with one of the fire fighters instead


Buck had been so tired from people coming to check on him that he ran. He left a note for the next person his sister sent to check on him before leaving as fast as he could.

He took an Uber and the moment he was inside his mouth was talking but his brain didn't listen. He needed somewhere safe and away where nobody would bother him.

He had recovered from the lighting strike and was on the last stretch brfore he was back to work

The coma was still on his mind and how he couldnt find eddie. It made him think about eddie getting shot.

He showed up on the diaz household door step a little after 11pm. When eddie opened the door the only thing Buck could say was "Please don't ask how I am"

He then walked into the house shedding his jacket and shoes on the way through. Eddie picks them up and follows buck to the livingroom where buck was on the couch with his feet up.

"You want a beer?" Eddie says and holds his breath as buck rolls his head back and hums deep in his throat.

"Probably more then one" was bucks response as eddie makes his way into the kitchen grabbing two beers.

"I bet your tired after all the company you've had" eddie says like he isn't company too before walking back towards the livingroom

When he gets there he finds buck passed out cold on the couch. Eddie smiles slightly and sighs before clinking the bottles together.

"Cheers" he says to himself and sits down next to the sleeping buck.

Eddie looked at buck as he slept and found himself adoring every part of him. He was head over heels for this man. How could he not be when buck was attractive, good with chris and always there for him even if he didn't want it.

He finishes the beers and presses a soft kiss on bucks head before covering him with a blanket. He heads to bed knowing he would have to be up soon so he can get chris to school.

The next morning buck came into the kitchen where eddie was making lunch for chris. Chris was getting his teeth brushed and shoes on in another room.

Buck sits down and eddie smiled. "Sleep well?" He asks and buck nods still kinda sleepy rubbing his eyes.

Eddie loved the way buck looks in the mornings. Especially when he was in Eddie's home sitting In Eddie's kitchen looking like they were one happy family with their adorable and sweet son.

"Want that beer?" Eddie asks because he can't help but tease.

The look of realization on bucks face makes eddie want to laugh.

"No but you can have one" Buck says and it makes eddie thankful for his military training as he keeps a straight face.

"Already did both of them" eddie says and bucks face almost makes eddie stone face crack.

"Oh shit sorry about that" Buck says trying to make it better and eddie finally smiles.

"Don't worry about it I know you were tired after dealing with uninvited guests all day." Eddie says and buck nods.

"Want some water?" Eddie asks and buck nods sighingin relief. Eddie stops making the sandwich to get him a glass of water.

"Thanks" Buck says taking a few sips. Eddie goes back to making the lunch.

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