poker game

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Due to people on ticktock being so excited for this story I've moved it up the list of what I was going to publish first. Hope you all enjoy
Eddie knew buck was trying to act ok infront of chris but he could see his friend needed a distractions.

They had just figured out buck was good at math for a while so he dicided what better place then poker to put his skills to the test.

Eddie had been there a few times to have some fun and talk to some fire fighters but Buck had always been bad at math so eddie never took him there.

As they walk towards the door buck is obviously nervous eddie knows it's not playing that makes him nervous. They didn't tell anyone about his new found math skill so this would be a suprise.

"Eddie I don't think this is a good idea" Buck says and eddie smirks.

"It'll be fine" he says knocking on the door in a pattern that is a password.

"This will not end well." Buck says quieter then the door opens.

A firefighter buck had seen before opened the door.

He couldn't remember her name but he knew she was one of the B shift fire fighters for the 118. He had no time to guess because they were walking in.

Buck watched as eddie fist bumps a few people as they walk through. Buck leads towards eddie

"I thought you said this was a nice place?" Buck wispers and eddie doesn't answer.

They walk through a door and down some stairs. When buck first sees it he is amazed. It's a full on poker room decked out and everything.

Eddie leads them to a table and buck looks around realizing he knows everyone.

He watched as eddie shakes the women's hand first. "Chief william" eddie says and it clicks thst he does know them.

Then eddie shakes the man's hand and buck knows he is the captain when eddie got shot. "Captain meta" eddie says before sitting down.

"Come sit" captain William says and buck does come to sit next to eddie.

"You act like you've never had pur house here before" eddie says and she smiles.

"I'm not used to three of you" she says and captain meta chimes in.

"And we have a living legend tonight. Honestly buckley I was suprised you survived that." He says meaning the lightning strike.

"Well let's see if he survives tonight." She Says before they start playing.

Buck quickly learns he is good at it and starts winning. At some point they began to talk.

"Have you seen the new requirements for becoming a firefighter?" Captain meta asks

"Yea. They want a lot more then what I had to do" eddie says and they all nod.

"Well buck here would pass I'm sure eddie would agree. I mean you've picked him up and that's how they train you in case of an a-" captain meta was about to say accident but then chief William smacks him.

He realizes he brought up eddie getting shot which was still a sisitive topic.

Eddie being confused looks over at buck. He didn't remember buck picking him up.

Buck feels like he can't breath and he stands up making an excuse to get away.

As he turns to leave eddie stands and buck shakes his head. "I'm just going to head out you stay and have fun" Buck says knowing it's not convincing but he hopes eddie will let him go.

Eddie obviously doesn't want to but he sees the look on bucks face so he sits down. He nods and buck leaves quickly.

Captain meta who had been silent finally speaks. "I'm so sorry I didn't know it was going to make him upset or bring up bad memories."

Eddie nods but is still confused on why that statement made buck so upset. He looks at the captain and dicides he needs to know.

"What do you mean he picked me up?" Eddie asks and captain meta sighs.

"When you got show he was frozen. He fell and I shoved him to the ground. After he crawled under the truck to get you." Captain meta starts and waits a moment to let it sink in.

Eddie has a lot of emotions about that. Buck faced one of his biggest fears just to save him.

"He pulls you to the other side of the truck and picked you up putting you in the ambulance. At some point while he was putting bandage on you woke up." Meta Says

Eddie is more confused. He woke up? He didn't remember any of this. "What happened when I woke up?" Eddie asks

"Well you asked if he was hurt and when he said he wasn't you passed back put. Then we got to the hospital" captain meta finishes explaining.

The moment it all clicked in eddie mind he was standing. "Thank you for letting us come sorry I need to go" he says and everyone smiles.

"Go diaz" Chief william says and eddie does.

He leaves and searches for buck. They came together so he thought maybe he was still in the parking lot.

When he can't find him he tries to call him. Buck doesn't answer making eddie worried so he goes to bucks loft.

He knocks a few times before letting himself in. He finds it empty and leaves locking the door once more.

He calls and calls but buck's phone must be off. At a loss of what to do he goes home.

As he pulls into the driveway he secretly hopes buck is here. He open the door and comes inside.

The moment he is through the door he can see the shape of bucks body sitting on his couch.

He let's out a sigh of relief before he takes his shoes off and slowly walls towards the livingroom.

As he gets closer he can see what buck is holding. It's the shirt he was wearing when he got shot.

Before eddie can ask buck explains. "I needed to have something of you incase you didn't make it. Then you got better and I just couldn't get rid of it." Buck says

He looks like he has been crying and eddie knows he has. Eddie slowly comes to sit next to buck and he holds his hand.

Buck slowly let's go of the shirt with the hand eddie now is holding. Eddie pulls that hand to his chest and presses it against his skin.

He can see bucks eyes widen as he feels Eddie's heart beating. "I'm ok." Eddie says and bucks sobs.

Eddie hold him tell he can calm himself down. Once he has they sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Let's throw it away together" eddie says and buck looks suprised.

"We both of things we need to let go from that day. Let's throw it out and talk" eddie explains and bucks nods.

"Alright let's do that" Buck says and eddie stand pulling him up by their hands that are still together.

Together they throw the shirt away and go back inside. They talk for a while about everything.

When it's all over eddie kisses buck. He was worried he was crossing a line but soon buck is kissing back.

They keep kissing for a few minutes before eddie yawns. "Oh am I boring you?" Buck says teasingly.

"Never" eddie says before getting up and holding his hand out.

"Come to sleep with me" eddie says and buck smiles taking his hand.

They make their way to the bedroom and soon collapse on the bed. Both are tired mentally, emotionally and physically.

Chris was at a sleepover with denny and Harry. Buck cuddled into eddie as they get comfortable.

"Goodnight eddie" Buck says quickly.

"Goodnight mi amor" eddie replies too tired to do much else.

The Spanish gives buck butterflies. Soon they are both asleep.

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