letter to bobby

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It's off of a ticktock sound so sorry if it doesn't make since

Bobby helps eddie find ingredients and more so he writes him a letter

Eddie was good at a lot of things but showing his emotions wasn't one of them.. the only emotion eddie seems to be able to express is anger.

His son had to bring cookies to school but he wanted ingredients that eddie had never even heard of.

He was sitting at the table in the fire station when Bobby walks up the stairs. "What are you staring at?" Bobby asks snaping eddie out of his trance.

"Well chris has to bring cookies for school but he wants to make them with stuff I haven't even heard of before." Eddie explains and Bobby takes the paper

The captain looks it over before nodding "I can help you get this stuff after we get off shift" Bobby says and eddie looked a bit suprised.

"Really? Thanks" eddie said and then the alarm went off. They all head out and the day goes on.

Later after 2 house fires and a few minor car crashes they are all finally getting ready to leave.

Eddie and buck always come to work together and eddie is glad buck drove them this morning.

"Hey buck I'm going with bobby to get the ingredients for chris" eddie says and buck smiled.

"Alright I'll be at home don't take too long we both know how excited he is to make them" Buck says making eddie chuckle.

"I'll be quick don't want you to hear Chris complaing" eddie teased his heart fluttering at buck calling his house home.

Buck just rolled his eyes and then bobby knocked on the door. "You ready eddie?" Bobby asks and eddie nods.

He and Bobby leave the station. It felt a bit wierd to be in bobby's car but it wasn't awkward.

The drive was filled with small talk and radio music. Eddie finds that a lot of bucks tendencies in the car came from Bobby.

They make it to the store and Bobby leads them around. He explains each ingredient and what the difference was which was really helpful for eddie.

Eddie listened carefully taking notes. He knew he couldn't cook but he did want to be some help but he tried to remember as much as he could.

When they were finished eddie paid then they left. Bobby took him home. The car ride was different not tense but not as calm as before.

"You know buck cares about you right?" Bobby says and eddie looks confused

"Yea? I know he cares for me and chris" eddie says and Bobby shakes his head.

"Cares is the wrong word. Buck loves you more then friendship" Bobby says and eddie chuckles nervously

"No he doesn't" eddie says his heart doing its best to break his ribs as it pounds against them

"He is. He told me himself. You don't have to feel the same way but be aware of how it effects him" Bobby says and eddie smiles.

"I love him too" eddie explains and Bobby smiled.

The rest of the drive was nice and then before eddie was ready they were at his house.

"Thank you again bobby" eddie says and Bobby nods.

"Anything to help" Bobby said before leaving. Eddie stands on his own doorstep more nervous then ever.

He reaches the door and finally pushed it open. He goes into the house removing his shoes as he does.

When he walks farther into the house he finds chris dramaticly laying on the floor. "Dad is taking too long" chris whined

"I'm right here" eddie said making them both look at him.

Buck smiled making eddie have butterflies in his stomach. He put the bags on the counter before hugging his son.

Buck goes about putting out all the stuff he got at the store while eddie talks to chris about his day.

Later after they have eaten and put chris to bed buck is on the couch. Eddie sits next to him and takes a deep breath

"we need to talk" eddie says making buck raise an eyebrow

"On the way back from the store Bobby said something and I want to know if it's true." Eddie explains not being able to look buck in the eye.

"Do you love me? More then a friend?" He asks and waits.

A few moment of silence pass before eddie forces himself to look at his bestfriend. He sees the worry on his face

When buck realizes that eddie is looking at him he nods. It's a small nod but it's there.

"I do" Buck says and eddie smiles

"So do i" eddie says and watches as buck's face shifts from worry to shock.

"What?" Buck says and eddie smiled more.

"I love you buck" he says and then buck is kissing him.

Its sweet and they enjoy the way it feels to be holding eachother.

That night they sleep together in Eddie's bed. The next morning while buck makes them all breakfast eddis sits to write a letter to Bobby.

Dear bobby,

Thank you for all of your help at the store and in the car.

When we are old and have to leave the earth I'll still remember all I've learned from you.

Thank you for all the times you've been there for me and chris. I'll take what you have taught me and continue to learn

Eddie diaz

As eddie signed it be smiled. He wasn't good at words so he kept it to the point and he hoped it sounded sweet.

He folds it and puts it in an evalope before he puts it into his work bag to give Bobby when they go to work.

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