Chapter 53: Rukia Kuchiki, Shino Asada vs Aaroniero Arruruerie Part 3

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Third PoV

Aaroniero: Tch...You have hidden powers in you all this time? You holding back the entire time?!

Shino Asada: That's right, it's only matter of time for me to unlock it.

Rukia Kuchiki: Shino...How did you do it?

Shino Asada: It was not easy to achieved it, all because Urahara-san did training me how to unlock my true potential and looks like I did unlocked it, I can manage to be like my brother and I'll show him that I am not a weak.

Aaroniero: Keh...Kehehehahahaha!!! You need for thousands of years of training and become like your brother! I can see why there's a limit in those trump card of yours huh, Asada?

Shino Asada:...It's just a matter of time to bring your heads down.

Meanwhile Rukia stares at her and then she glance at Aaroniero again. She speechless, no words coming from her mouth.

Aaroniero: Heh, what's wrong Kuchiki? Cat got bite your tongue? I like that face of yours...filled with fears. Allow the fear to envelop you, Kuchiki! For this is the result of all the Hollows I've eaten up till now!!!

Shino Asada: Oh no...Anyway your released form aren't gonna survive from my attacks.

Aaroniero: Not get so confident of yourself, Asada. Don't think that this release is anything like that of all those other Arrancar. My Golotoneria allows me to use the abilities of every Hollows I've eaten all at the same time!!!

Shino Asada: Meh...

Aaroniero: Shut it! As for you know that the numbers I've eaten the Hollows is 33.650 From this point on think of this battle as an army of 30.000 Hollows all lined up to defeat you two!!!


Rukia Kuchiki: Yeah.

Rukia's thought: 'Kaien-dono I have no excuse. It seems as...This is as far as I can go. Because I killed Kaien-dono...Kaien-dono's spirit body fell into the hands of this Hollow. That night, I...killed Kaien-dono to save myself, but even then "I saved Kaien-dono's's spirit body from the hands of the enemy."  I kept telling myself that over and over again, in hopes that somehow managed to save you. However, it seems that I was a mistaken about that as well...

Rukia leaps forward to attack him while Shino did too by cutting one of the Aaroniero's tentacles as Rukia in her thoughts that she mentally apologizes to Kaien for causing his body to fall into the hands of the Hollows by killing him that night to save her own life, even though she had kept telling herself she had saved Kaien by recovering his body, which has ended up not being true. Shino keep her guard up against Aaroniero's attacks, cutting it from left to right.

Shino's thought: 'This is tough, I can only use it for 15 minutes.

Shino still cutting the tentacles with ease while Rukia dodge every attacks coming from Aaroniero, this made him pissed because of the Muramasa flames. It's so hot that his regeneration of the tentacles is very slow.

Aaroniero: You're very annoying.

Shino saw the upcoming attacks, she cuts the tentacles but also another tentacles punch her stomach. That make her gags a little, then another tentacles slap her and yeet her through the pillars making her knocked out.

Arroniero: Tch, that Muramasa sword is very dangerous. Good thing she knocked out of the way. Now it's time to finish this fight, Kuchiki!!

Rukia's thought: 'I do not even...Have strength left to swing my sword. Shino is being unconscious right now, she tried to fight against it, against Kaien-dono's's spirit body, I possess no power to swing down my blade...Sayonara, Kaien-dono...Sayonara, Shino Asada...and goodbye, Shinjiro-kun...I truly loved you.

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