Episode 15: Project insight.

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Third PoV

[The Triskelion, S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters; Steve and Shinken walks into Fury's office]

Steve Rogers: You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you?

Shinken: tell us the truth, Nick.

Nick Fury: I didn't lie. Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours, both of you.

Shinken: I sense some bullshit in you, Nick.

Nick Fury: let me tell you something, Shinken. Did I ever lied to you?

Shinken: [sigh] listen Nick why could you-

Nick Fury: I said it again, did I ever lied to you?

Shinken knows that Nick Fury didn't lie to him, he considers him as an uncle. Shinken shake his head off.

Shinken: no, you didn't.

Nick Fury: [nods his head] good.

Steve Rogers: Which you didn't feel obliged to share.

Nick Fury: I'm not obliged to do anything.

Shinken: why is that? Is it important?

Nick Fury: it is important, everything is important. Shinken.

Steve Rogers: [looks at Shinken] kid, maybe Nick up to something.

Shinken: [facepalmed] oh god...I know Steve, I know.

Steve Rogers: [to Nick Fury] Those hostages could've died, Nick.

Shinken: he got a point you know.

Nick Fury: I sent the greatest soldier in history to make sure that didn't happen and the greatest samurai ever exist.

Shinken: I'm not that great and that titles belong to Sasaki Kojiro and Musashi The Saint Sword.

Nick Fury: okay...Maybe you are one of the most greatest samurai ever exist, there you happy now?

Shinken: [sigh] yes and thanks.

Steve Rogers: Soldiers trust each other, that's what makes it an army. Not a bunch of guys running around and shooting guns, no offense kid.

Shinken: none taken, Cap.

Nick Fury: The last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye. Look, I didn't want you two doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything.

Shinken: like what? Wearing her make up and look gorgeous? If so then yes.

Steve and Nick Fury looks at Shinken's comment about Natasha and making face "really?" while Shinken just hands up in the air.

Shinken: geez guys I'm kidding.

Steve Rogers: [sigh] anyway Nick, I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their owns, even Shinken. I can't risk that easily.

Shinken still listen to their conversations

Inner Shinken: [sigh] my feelings that something wrong but I don't know why...

???: it is because you've still doubts about little things, Shinken.

Inner Shinken: I'm not that kind of person you know? Besides you can sense it right?

???: yeah I know, I don't trust the government either. I hate those kind of human who wanted take over people's life, they should be perished and sent them to hell.

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