Teaser trailer

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Alright guys daily reminder, this arc take places a month after Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Alright that let's get into the teaser trailer shall we?

People keep missing from time through time in Japan....

Opening scene in Karakura Town, there's many people to go around seems normal and nothing happened.

But the terror keeps happening....

The camera pans to a orange haired boy walking towards school.

Orange haired boy: [sigh] another day, another school I guess.

And things changed drastically....


Scene cuts to four random Shinigamis as they scouting the area.

Shinigami (1): man....This is boring. There's no Hollows in this area!

Shinigami (2): [slap his head] quit blabbering, we're here on a mission remember?

Shinigami (1): yeah I know but where is the adrenaline?

Shinigami (3): geez, keep talking unless you wanna die or being eaten alive by a Hollows.

Shinigami (4): [looks left and right] hmm....Strange, there is no Hallows here...

One way to see the truth...

Scene changed to a mysterious person who sliced the Hallows then and there, the person smirk on his face.

???: finally, I've been waiting for this moment. I'm home, Japan [chuckles]

The camera slowly pans to a certain shops that name "Urahara Shops"

The camera slowly pans to a certain shops that name "Urahara Shops"

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We can see the inside of that shop there's a man in hat with dark gray haori wears a green obi sitting on the floor, siping his tea while talking to himself that man is none other than Urahara Kisuke.

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