Episode 19: The truth.

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[returning home from his morning run Sam hears a knock at his door, he opens the door to see Steve, Shinken and Natasha]

Sam Wilson: Hey, man.

Steve Rogers: I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low.

Shinken: damn those guys are not getting quit, good thing we're survived.

Natasha Romanoff: Everyone we know is trying to kill us. [Sam pauses a moment before replying]

Sam Wilson: Not everyone. [Sam let's them enter, later as Shinken, Steve and Natasha are cleaning up, Steve notices Natasha looking sad and thoughtful meanwhile Shinken meditating]

Steve Rogers: You okay?

Natasha Romanoff: Yeah.

Steve Rogers: What's going on?

Natasha Romanoff: When I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but...I guess I can't tell the difference anymore.

Steve Rogers: There's a chance you might be in the wrong business. [Natasha smiles faintly]

Natasha Romanoff: I owe you. Well I owe Shinken too

Shinken: [open his eyes] hey Nat, it's okay alright? We protect each others. That's how we would do.

Steve Rogers: It's okay.

Natasha Romanoff: If it was the other way around, and it was down to me to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?

Steve Rogers: I would now. And I'm always honest.

Natasha Romanoff: Well, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing.

Steve Rogers: Well, I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting.

Natasha Romanoff: also Shinken...About Arnim Zola said, is that true?

Steve and Natasha looks at Shinken who keep silence since Arnim Zola spoiled his identity.

Shinken: well...

Before he could answer the question, Sam comes to the room

Sam Wilson: [to Shinken, Steve and Natasha] I made breakfast. If you guys...eat that sort of thing. [later as they are sat in Sam's kitchen]

Third PoV

Natasha Romanoff: So, the question is: who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?

Steve Rogers: Pierce.

Shinken: well well well, I knew this would coming and why am I not surprised?

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