Chapter 26: Shinken vs Ichigo Kurosaki Part 2

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Ichigo POV

After the fight against Shinken, Ichigo still wondering what's his real intentions? Testing him? While Rukia feels odd about Shinken, his powers like a Hollows yet at the same time it is not. Both of them still have not clue who is Shinken.

Ichigo: Damn it, that guy made a numbers on me. Even though he is part of The Avengers why is he attacking us? Also his hair like some crazy old hermit dressed up like a Jedi or something.

Rukia: Something tells me that he have another secret also you can feel his spiritual pressure right?

Ichigo: Huh? Oh yeah and but I'm not gonna lie, his powers aren't like any living things not even Hollows or Shinigami.

Rukia: [nods] Yeah and is far more wicked, dark and sinister...But the question is how? I thought he is a human and yet he have that power that none human can have that.

Ichigo: I thought that too, but I have a feeling that we will meet him again anytime soon.

Rukia: [sigh] Ichigo, you should control your Shinigamis power if you wanted to beat Shinken. Even he is far superior than you, he still have weaknesses. Remember this, failure is your greatest teacher.

Ichigo: [nods] Also he can turn into some kinda demon thing? I don't know but he have related to either Hollows or demons.

Rukia: If Shinken related to Hollows, the Shinigami will hunted him from the start but if he is a demon...It's far worse.

Ichigo's thought: If my hunch is correct, then it will be a hard time to beat him and also I want to have some questions towards him.

Time skip brought to you by Shinken staring contest with Rukia

Third POV

Karakura Town, The Park

We can see Shinken or Shinjirou meditating under the tree in the park, peace and calm until he had a vision and a voices everywhere. He saw himself bowing to someone that he didn't recognize it, the vision transition to him fighting against the Captains? And Ichigo? And he saw one person that he hated most, that person is Aizen Sōsuke.

Aizen Sōsuke: "Henceforth my apprentice, you shall be known as Darth Caedus. I need your help to gain my mission, I need you to hold them off while I perfect my plan. In mean time I can help you to save the ones you love, I can save your little sister."

'Darth Caedus': "Yes, my lord. But don't forget we have a deal remember? If you betrays me, you will be dead and if you or your lackeys touch my little sister or my family, I will not hesitate to ending your life and the universe."

Aizen Sōsuke: [smiles] "Oh no, I'm not gonna betray you my apprentice. I want you to fight all the Captains and your friends including Ichigo and Rukia, I will give you so much power that no one can stop you."

'Darth Caedus': "What do you mean you can give me more power? What's your hiding from me, Master?."

Aizen Sōsuke: [chuckles] "I have the power to save the ones you love, you must rethink this before you do anything reckless. Do not worry, my two subordinates will guide you and training you."

'Darth Caedus': "Tch...As your wish, Lord Aizen"

Shinken then snap back to reality, he breaths heavily and his forehead start sweating...That person 'Darth Caedus' is very familiar, this is not end well if that person ended up to be him then...

Shinken: I need training more and then I'll search some knowledge to gain more power and motivation. If Aizen achieve his goal then no one can stop him not even me.

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