Bigger Than The Whole Sky (2)

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Hiya!! I had lectures all day boo but anyway, here's the 2nd part!!

- also for context, they're married but Kaia hasn't exposed them to the whole world yet!



As soon as she was on the sidewalk outside their building, Kaia texted her sister.

Kaia: rendez vous chez maman? [rendez-vous at mom's?]

Kaia didn't wait to hear back from her sister before starting her run, making the five mile trip to her mother's gravestone at the cemetery.

When she got there, she sat criss-cross applesauce across from it on the ground, not really minding the wet grass beneath her, and stared intently at her mother's name engraved on the stone.

The vase next to it was empty. She made a mental note to come back with a bouquet soon enough.

"Hi mama," she spoke quietly, kissing her fingers and placing them on the stone. "How is it up there today? J'espère qu'il fait beau temps." [I hope the weather's nice.]

She chuckled to herself at her own joke. Years ago, she would have probably made fun of the idea of heaven, but now with her mother gone, she hoped there was some place nice where her mother was resting.

Some place nice where she could look after the embryo they just lost.

"Hey," Kaia heard Layla coming up behind her. She walked over to the little vase and put down a fresh bouquet. Well, at least one of them thought of it. "Hi, mama."

"Hi, Loulou," Kaia mumbled, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

"Ça va?" Her sister asked, sitting at an angle so she could see Kaia's face.

She wanted to nod at first as a reflex, but then she shook her head.

Layla sighed softly and wrapped her arm around her younger sister's shoulders. "Bad news?"

Kaia nodded. "It didn't work. We're not having a baby."

Layla's hold tightened around Kaia and she pulled her in closer, running her hand over her back comfortingly.

"How's Taylor holding up?"

Kaia shrugged, keeping her gaze on the tombstone. "I'm not sure. We just got the news. Like, thirty minutes ago."

"And you just ran here immediately?"

"Yeah," she whispered.

Layla let out a laugh. "Hey, you know what? I don't think mom would have taken offence if you would have stayed a few extra minutes with your wife to make sure she's okay."

"No, I know, I just—" Kaia couldn't really put her thoughts and feelings into words. "I just needed mum. She would know exactly what to say or do in this situation, you know? She's been through this before."

Layla nodded understandingly. "Yeah, but you just left Taylor on her own? She's probably going through the same thing you are right now."

Kaia shook her head. "I just— I didn't wanna stay there and see the disappointment or sadness in her eyes. I can't do that."

"I suppose I get that."

"Do you remember it?" Kaia asked, turning to look at Layla. "When mum had that miscarriage."

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