Ten Yeariversary

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hi guys! i'm at the pool rn!! enjoy (:

(the twins are about three, Taia's trying for Jude around this time)

"I'm not ready to get out of bed just yet," Taylor whispered, refusing to open her eyes because if she did, that meant she was awake and she had to get up and get on with her day. Just for this once, she wanted to stay in bed all day with her wife, but the twins would be waking up soon and they needed to prepare their breakfast and their lunchboxes and dress them and drop them off at the nursery and come back home and get some work done, and, and, and.

But for right now, everything was so quiet. Taylor revelled in it for a little while longer.

Kaia dropped kiss on Taylor's bare shoulder and stretched her limbs, rolling on her side so that she was no longer sprawled on top of Taylor's body. "We've got another thirty minutes," she murmured, checking the time on her watch.

Taylor smiled, opening her eyes again to find Kaia staring at her with a toothy grin. "You wanna go for round three?"

"We do have thirty whole minutes," Kaia pointed out, making Taylor laugh. She hovered on top of the brunette, leaning down to steal a kiss.

"We didn't go to sleep until like 2 a.m. though," Taylor noted.

Kaia reached up, cupping Taylor's cheek with her thumb brushing her cheek. "Are you saying you're too tired?"

"Me?" Taylor gasped dramatically. "Never!"

And with that, she leaned in again, kissing a giggling Kaia passionately. "Happy anniversary, my love."

"Ten fricken years!"

Kaia pulled away for a moment, taking in Taylor's words. "Ten years..."

"God, I love you so much!"

"Mhm, I love you too," Kaia whispered, pulling her down to kiss her again, slower this time.

It only took them 23 minutes until they were throwing the dirty bedsheets in the hamper. And since Kaia was on drop-off duty that morning, she hopped in the shower first while Taylor slipped on her pyjamas from the night before and wrapped a robe around herself to go and wake up Piper and River.

She found them already awake, though still laying down in the same cot. With a little smile as she switched the lights on, she sat down at the foot of Piper's bed, playfully pinching River's toes.

"Did you sneak into your sister's bed last night?"

"No," he answered with a small shake of his head,
hugging his stuffed dinosaur closer.

Taylor thought it was adorable. Although, she was surprised that Piper didn't kick him out.

"There was a monster in the closet," he whispered, finally sitting up in bed with his curls all frizzed up. Taylor bit back a laugh, running her fingers through his hair to tame the adorable mess.

"And Pipes helped you fight off the monster?" Taylor asked him but this time it was the grumpy three-year-old girl who answered.

"No, I was sleeping!" She corrected Taylor.

"That's good, baby. Did you sleep well?" She asked the younger version of herself who scrunched her nose and shook her head. "Aww, well how about we make some banana pancakes for breakfast. Would that make you feel better?"

"Blueberry," River suggested instead.

"No, nanana!" Piper exclaimed, slamming her tiny hands in her own lap.

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