Dealing With Pregnant Kaia: 101

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Well, the internet's in a little bit of a shamble today... so.... here's some more shambling. I was going to divide this chapter into 2, it's literally 12k words. But, uh, yeah shambles. So... Have all unedited 12k words if this part of taia's story. It's kind of a mess. Just like everything else is right now euuhhh yeah

Pregnant Kaia below !! isn't that exciting?


Taylor stirred awake when the blankets were suddenly thrown off her body and before she could register what was happening, she heard a pair of feet padding toward the bathroom quite fast.

It only took her a second to realise that it was Kaia racing to the toilet.

"Shit," she muttered, rushing after her wife who was already hunched over the toilet.

Taylor held Kaia's hair, making sure it stayed out of her face while running her palm in soothing circles around her back. Kaia retched, emptying all the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.

Despite cleaning up after her two kids for the past three years already, Taylor still couldn't look without her gag reflex activating. The sounds that Kaia made alone made Taylor's stomach churn uncomfortably. She never said anything though. She couldn't imagine what Kaia must have been feeling, growing a literal baby inside her. 

"I'm okay, you can go back to sleep," Kaia croaked, wiping her mouth with her sleeve, but as soon as she did, her body convulsed and she hunched over the toilet bowl again but nothing came out.

"I'm here, baby. S'okay," Taylor whispered, tying Kaia's hair up into a loose bun to keep it off her face.

Kaia nodded, leaning most of her weight against Taylor's body and when she was sure she was done dry heaving, she flushed the toilet and pushed herself up to her feet and went to brush her teeth.

"I'm going to shower. I feel icky," She said afterwards, sitting down on the toilet first though.

"You couldn't wait for me to leave before peeing?" Taylor joked but Kaia looked up at her with little to no amusement in her expression.

"You literally just watched me vomit last night's dinner."

Taylor crinkled her nose. "I'll get you some clean clothes."

She waited until Kaia was in the shower before heading to the room. She thought she had a good fifteen minutes before Kaia would actually finish washing up so she sat back in bed, grabbing her phone to check the time. It was only five in the morning.

And it wasn't until she heard a small chuckle over her that she realised she had fallen back asleep. Taylor blinked her eyes open to see Kaia wrapped in a towel, smiling softly at her.

"I thought you were going to get me some clean clothes," Kaia teased her, leaning down to steal a quick kiss.

"Sorry," Taylor tried to get back up but Kaia pushed her right back down and even made sure to cover her up to her chin.

"You didn't even have to get up with me. I appreciate it, but please go back to sleep now," she whispered.

Taylor sighed in defeat, turning to lie on her side and hugging her pillow to her chest. "How are you feeling?" She asked, watching Kaia search through her drawer for a pair of underwear.

"Like shit," she replied all too honestly, sitting down on her towel at the edge of the bed to put on her undergarments, followed by a pair of leggings and a baggy sweater.

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