01. The Big News

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This chapter is set right after chapter 31 in Golden.
(for context, the fight with J*les and the big reveal)


Taylor chewed on the flesh around her nail while staring at her phone screen. She stared at her mom's contact until the screen started going darker and darker and right before the phone was going to lock itself, she clicked on the screen and repeated the cycle.

By the time Kaia had finally come out of the shower, dressed in a some clean pyjamas this time, Taylor was still in the same position she had left her in about twenty minutes ago.

The actress sighed as she padded barefoot across the cold kitchen tiles and grabbed a clean cup from the cabinet.

"So, I take it you haven't called her yet?" Kaia asked, opening the fridge and pulling out the bottle of pomegranate juice and pouring herself a glass. It was the first real thing she had put into her system since Emilia's party the day before; she didn't think she could stomach anything else for the time being but at least it was a start.

"I can't do it!" Taylor exclaimed, pushing her phone to the other end of the table. "You press the button!"

Kaia chuckled, walking over to the table and sitting down right next to Taylor only to push the phone back toward her. "She's your mum. I think she needs to hear the news from you."

"Well, she's already heard it from an all exclusive source!" she responded rather sarcastically. "It's all over fricken twitter, I'm pretty sure all her friends are currently sending her messages congratulating us."

"As likely as that is, I'm sure to her, and everyone else, it's just a rumour," Kaia said, taking another sip of the juice but it was way too sweet and she was still on an empty stomach. "You want some juice?"

"But it's not just a rumour," Taylor retaliated while taking the glass and sipping the last of it. "We are engaged."

Kaia smiled playfully at Taylor, raising one eyebrow. "Are we?"

"We— you— yes... we are!"

"Hm... not until you ask me to marry you again, properly," Kaia told her, grinning widely and leaning in until their faces were only inches apart.

"I will," Taylor promised her, holding her cheek in her hand and gently caressing it with her thumb. "You won't even see it coming."

"Well, in that case, I guess, we do have a wedding to start planning," she said, smiling wider. "And you have to tell your mom. It's almost noon in Nashville and she's probably going crazy trying to make sense of these headlines going viral."

"Okay," Taylor murmured, closing her eyes to steady her breathing. Kaia closed the distance between them and kissed her softly, closing her fingers around Taylor's and squeezing them gently.

"I'll even hold your hand while you do."

"She's gonna feel so bad, though!" Taylor groaned, dropping her head against the table.

"Not to be that person, but I did kind of tell you to tell her weeks ago, and you didn't, and I made a big deal about it, and we had a fight, and now we're in this situation, so..."

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