Mica's Podcast

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Coffee Talk with Mica Langford

"Hi, hello! It's your host, Mica, here, and welcome back to Coffee Talk, the most original podcast where we talk about everything and pretty much nothing for the next hour!" Mica started as soon as they started recording, looking across the table at Kaia who was still adjusting the set of headphones over her ears. "Today's guest is actually very anti-coffee which is unfortunate because I've had to run to the coffee shop across the street to get her a chai. Shout out to Jim at Fuckoffee — yes, that's what the coffee shop's called. They also sell tiny trolls, four for a pound! Can you believe it?"

"What a steal!" Kaia muttered sarcastically, staring at the creepy tiny troll that Mica left on the table, staring at her.

"Yes, and I'm having a nice dark roast Spanish latte that I made using today's sponsor — Mystica — their house blend is just amazing. It's very rich, with a bit of a bite to it. Very bright and pleasant. It smells great too! Very fragrant!"

"Are you sure no one's been sweating in these?" Kaia asked, interrupting Mica's coffee rant, eyeing the ear pads carefully. They looked well worn.

"Yes, I'm sure! I sanitise them after every guest!" Mica snapped back, shooting her a glare. Kaia still made a face and went to grab her purse. She pulled a pack of wet wipes and started wiping them down, causing the blond man sitting across from her to roll his eyes and fall back in his seat exasperatedly. "Oh my god, you're insufferable!"

"I'm careful, there's a difference!"

"No, it's excessive germaphobia! You were never this bad!"

"I'm not germaphobic! I've got children and cats at home. They breed germs," Kaia defended herself, shooting him a look and then glancing at the headphones again. "Do I really need to have them on? You've got yours on. If I start sounding weird, just let me know!"

"Fine! Putain, t'es vraiment insupportable!" [Holy shit, you're so unbearable/insufferable/annoying]

Kaia shot him a big shit eating grin and leaned over the microphone. "Welcome to Coffee Talk, my name's Kaia Browne and I'll be your host today—"

"See, I knew I shouldn't have invited you!" Mica interrupted her.

Kaia gasped loudly, leaning over the table toward him. "You've been begging me to get on your show for years! Literally since the first ever one you recorded during the pandemic!"

"Because the fans have been begging me! And today, people, we are delivering!" Mica exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Sitting with me is Oscar, Grammy, and three time Emmy winning actress Kaia Browne! So, Kaia, when are we getting that EGOT title, then?"

She smiled excitedly this time, clapping her hands a little too loudly, causing Mica to cringe. "Okay, so, this is huge news, but, the reason why I haven't been in any projects this past year is because... drumroll, please, Mica!"

He looked at her with a tight, unamused smile. "Seriously?"

"Dude..." She begged, holding her hands together and so he humoured her and tapped his fingers on the table top in a drumroll. "I've been rehearsing for a Broadway play!"

Mica gasped dramatically as though he had no idea. "Well, tell us more!"

"I can't really tell you anything else. We'll be announcing it and tickets will go on sale in the next few weeks or so but I can promise you that it's going to be amazing! The whole cast and crew, just everyone working on this project, has been working super hard and I'm so proud of it! It feels great being back on stage, to be honest."

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