Bigger Than The Whole Sky (3)

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part 3/3!!

Thanks for coming along this ride! Hope you guys enjoy (:

this chapter is almost 10k words


Days passed, and then weeks, and Taylor simply could not get through to Kaia. Even when they were in the same room, it felt like they were in two different cities.

The miscarriage had taken a lot from them, but the younger of the two wasn't coping with it as well.

Taylor suspected it had a lot to do with the fact that Kaia blamed herself but she didn't know how to prove to her that it wasn't.

There was no proof that indicated otherwise. She was the one that got pregnant, and she was the one that lost the baby because of abnormalities in her reproductive system. Kaia would never see it otherwise.

Taylor could spend days reassuring her that she didn't blame her, that it wasn't her fault, and she did, but nothing helped.

Kaia was depressed and nothing Taylor tried seemed to helped.

By the time May rolled around, Taylor was close to giving up on trying.

Close, but not quite.

Sunday morning, Taylor was up pretty late, and Kaia even later. She woke up and simply stayed in bed, scrolling on her phone.

Taylor decided to make all her favourite foods for breakfast and brought them up on a tray with a glass of orange juice and a handful of flowers in a small vase, hoping it might cheer her up.

She placed the tray next to Kaia and crouched down by her side, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I made you pancakes! Banana and chocolate chips, just the way you like them!"

Kaia managed a smile that never quite reached her eyes. "Thank you," was all she said before returning her attention to her phone. She didn't even bother to acknowledge the food.

Taylor had to use all of her willpower not to groan, scream, or strangle her.

"Are you not hungry?"

The actress shook her head, although she did reach for the juice. "Not really, I'm sorry you went through all that effort. I really appreciate it."

It didn't sound like she did.

"C'mon babe, you gotta eat something. You didn't have dinner last night," Taylor said, sitting down next to her with her brow furrowed worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Taylor placed her hand on Kaia's forehead anyway, just to make sure she really was fine. She was warm but not feverish.

"I said I'm fine!" She snapped anyway, making the blonde singer jump back in surprise.

"You've been in bed for three days, Kaia. I'm sorry I'm concerned!" Taylor retaliated.

"What else do you want me to do? I don't have any projects lined up for another few months."

Taylor frowned. When she didn't have a gig lined up, Kaia was usually really good at keeping herself busy. Not these past few weeks though.

"How about we go for a run?" Taylor suggested, her voice gentler this time. "You and me. We can go to the park and then grab bagels on our way back. What do you say?"

"I don't feel well enough to run," Kaia muttered.

"You just said you're fine," Taylor pointed out.

"I am! I just don't feel like running, okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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