Baby Shower

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hello my favourite people !!! happy sunday (: i have blinding headache today but that's my fault for staying out till 4 am aha... anyway!! enjoy this chapter it's kind of a chaotic mess but exactly 5,555 words of chaos (5600 with this note! love you<3)


Taylor came running down the stairs with her earrings in her hand, stopping by the mirror in the hallway to put them on.

"Hey, hon, are you almost ready? People are going to start arriving soon," Taylor called out only to be shushed in response.

"I'm ready," Kaia replied, popping out from the living room. "Come over here for a second though," she added, her voice just barely above a whisper, and waved Taylor over.

"What is it?" The blonde asked, throwing her hair over her shoulder and walking over to the living room only to stop and laugh when she saw what Kaia had been looking at this whole time.

Mica was sprawled on the couch, his mouth hanging open as he slept soundly, with Piper napping on his chest and River, just the same, on the other sofa.

"Oh my god, they look adorable!" Taylor chuckled, snapping a quick picture of them. "You know, I always regretted not taking a picture of that very first time I found him sleeping in your bathtub."

Kaia laughed under her breath. "His ability to fall asleep just about anywhere is astounding."

"You know what I just realised, also?" Taylor mentioned, tilting her head to the side as she looked at her son and Mica more closely. "River is exactly like him. How the fuck did that happen?"

"They even sleep the same, oh my god," Kaia gasped softly.

The two had their mouths open the same way, one arm tucked over their head, the other resting on their stomach. They had the same exact haircut, the same round face.

"Do you think Mica has a long lost twin somewhere and that guy is our children's biological father?" Taylor asked and when Kaia looked over at her, she could tell that she wasn't entirely kidding.

Kaia couldn't even disagree. "You know what? That might be it."

They walked over to the three sleeping babies and stared by waking Mica up. Normally, Kaia would have thrown a pillow at him or just pinched his nose or something, but she didn't want him to accidentally hit the kids with his flying lanky limbs.

"Hey, reveille toi," she mumbled, poking him repeatedly in the cheek.

Mica swatted her finger away, letting out a little whine.

"Arrête, maman!" [Stop, mom!]

"It's me, you idiot!" She laughed, slapping his cheek lightly.

He blinked his green eyes open, his expression souring.

"Morning, sleepy beauty!" Taylor said to Mica while gently picking Piper up and setting her in her lap.

Mica grumbled while pushing himself up into a seated position and rubbing his eyes. "Sorry, I dozed off. I was supposed to look after them, wasn't I?"

"It's okay," Kaia chuckled, rubbing River's back until he stirred awake but instead of getting up, he crawled into her lap and tried to finish his nap there. "Allez, reveille-toi, poussin. Tes amis vont arriver bientôt." [Come on, wake up, baby chick(used affectionately). Your friends will be arriving soon.]

When she tried to peel him off her, his whole face scrunched up and he stuck to Kaia like glue.

"Give him a few more minutes," Taylor murmured softly, fixing Piper's crinkled skirt for her.

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