Pancake Flipathon: The Sequel

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The updating schedule is fucked bc i haven't been writing much but here's an idea i had a few days ago? I just really wanted Taia to do a tiktok couple challenge but cuter
Also I'm never forgiving Taylor for playing Better Man without me !!!! no literally guys im in so much pain rn

Kaia grinned at the screen as viewers started to pop in. She was in the kitchen with Mica and Taylor behind her, getting some ingredients prepared.

"Just to start off, we are NOT drunk!" Kaia started while Mica snickered in the back, a glass of wine in his hand.

"This is apple juice, kids," he said, bursting out into laughter halfway through his sentence.

"They're drunk," Taylor explained, placing a bowl in front of Kaia. "I'm the responsible adult here—"

"You're absolutely sloshed," Kaia laughed, leaning against her wife. "This was all your idea."

"What? I'm hungry!" Taylor huffed, pouring a handful of chocolate chips into her hand and popping them into her mouth.

"We're making pancakes!" Mica explained excitedly, dropping the milk carton on the counter and wrapping his arms around Kaia's shoulders from behind but she shrugged him off with a jab of her elbow in his gut.

"It's a pancake flipathon!" Taylor said.

"THE SEQUEL!" Mica shouted. "FEATURING ME!"

Taylor and Kaia both shushed him with a glare, Kaia smacking her hand over his mouth.

"Mate, we just put the kids to sleep!"

"Sorry," Mica whispered, sticking his tongue out to get Kaia's hand off his mouth.

"Ew, dickhead!" She groaned, wiping her hand down the front of his shirt.

"Pancake flipathon— the sequel! Featuring Mica Langford, everybody!" Taylor repeated at a much more sensible volume.

While Taylor busied herself with the batter, Mica and Kaia took turns actually reading the comments and answering some of them.

"Mica third-wheeling is the most relatable thing ever— I am not the third-wheel here, actually. It's Taylor," Mica scoffed, pointing the spatula he was holding for show in Taylor's direction.

"It's true, when these two hangout, everyone else would be third-wheeling," Taylor agreed, smiling amusedly at her wife and her best friend. "They have all these inside jokes and in French."

"Okay, I'm going to teach you some French right now,"  Mica said with a little smirk, turning toward Taylor. "Are you ready?"

She shrugged and rolled her eyes, too busy mixing the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients. "Sure?"

"Okay, repeat after me," Mica clapped his hands excitedly. "Si ton tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton tondu sera."

"What— what the hell?" She laughed, looking at her wife for some sort of explanation but Kaia was too busy bursting out in a fit of giggles. "That's not French."

"It is," Kaia confirmed. "It's a tongue twister."

"You try saying that," Taylor challenged her and of course, even when tipsy, Kaia was more than happy to take her up on that and show off a little.

"Si ton tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondue par ton tonton," she repeated a slightly different variation of what Mica had said.

Taylor had to stop mixing the batter, holding her hips as she stared at Mica and Kaia in disbelief. "That can't be real."

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