because she's a mastermind

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here's a fun little twist to the very first chapter of Delicate buuuuuuuut... from Taylor's POV!!!! You know, because she's a mastermind!!!

I miss baby taia so here we are :')

enjoy (:


May 2nd, 2016

The drive to the venue was nerve-racking. Hosting an event as big as the Met Gala was terrifying. Every person who was anybody, from A-list celebrities and nepotism babies whose daddies owned some fancy hotel chain in europe to Z-list nobodies was going to be there. But mostly, Taylor knew that the whole world was going to be watching her... on her own.

Her boyfriend had decided to stay back. She didn't care that he wasn't joining her. If anything, she liked to be independent. Her life did not revolve around whoever she was dating no matter how the tabloids tried to twist it. Forcing that narrative on her was starting to get really boring. But that was just it. The fact that he wasn't going to be there was all anyone was going to be focusing on.

Taylor Swift Walks the Met Gala Red Carpet Solo! Is a new album about her relationship and subsequent breakup with the Scottish DJ, Calvin Harris, on the way?

She could already anticipate all the headlines. No one would even care that she was hosting such a big event. Maybe they would mention her outfit but the biggest topic of conversation that revolved around her was always her relationship status and she absolutely hated it. God, and she hated her boyfriend.

Why he would rather go to a club with his friends instead of attending the fucking Met Gala with his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, she had no idea.

She knew she needed to end it soon but the other side of the door that was so uncertain terrified her. Everyone talking about it and making unfunny jokes at her expense. The slut shaming. The fact that she would actually be alone again...

"We're almost there," her publicist, Tree, interrupted her thoughts. "Are you ready?"

Taylor turned to look at the older woman and nodded. "How do I look?"

"You look great! Don't worry too much about it. We're just going to walk the carpet, take a few pictures, just the one red carpet interview, and then it's cocktails and dinner!" Tree gave a quick briefing of the itinerary for the rest of the evening.

Taylor nodded along, combing her fingers through her messy bleached bob. She had been testing out that new hairdo for a couple of weeks now and she wasn't entirely sure about it just yet but there wasn't much she could do about it. Her friends reassured her that it looked sexy but she knew that even though her parents never said anything, they really hated it. Only her brother was truly blunt about it and kept making fun of it.

"I need a drink," she decided, making Tree roll her eyes.

"You had one while getting ready."

Taylor gave her a look, raising one eyebrow. "And?"

"Don't get sassy on me, kid. Come on. We're here."

With a sigh, Taylor plastered on a little smirk that she knew the cameras would eat up and let the security guard help her get out of the car without tripping.

She kept getting compliments on the hairdo, none that she truly believed, while photographers shouted out her name to get her attention and snap that one photo that was going to pay their bills.

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