Bigger Than The Whole Sky

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Hi hi hi hi hi, I bet y'all missed these 2... I sure have!!
Anyway, don't mind the title 🤭🤭 or do 😬😬

Part 1 of 3(?) !!




January 2022

Kaia stood in front of her side of the closet, trying to pick out an outfit for their dinner date. Taylor was in the studio almost every day working on a new project while Kaia had to be back in Los Angeles soon to shoot the movie she was going to be in so they were trying to squeeze in as much quality time together as possible.

"I'll call doctor Evans tomorrow," Kaia said while picking out a black mini skirt and laying it on the edge of their unmade bed. They had been lazing around all afternoon, don't judge their sloppiness! "What do you say?"

Taylor walked over to her, pinching the fabric of her dress. Kaia didn't need her to ask for her to zip her up. Once she was done, Taylor turned around, hands at her sides.

"You really wanna do this?"

Kaia chewed down on her bottom lip while going back to her closet to pick a top. She ran her hand over a white button down and then turned back to face her wife, giving her a nod.

"I do. I think, by the time I'm done with this movie, we'll be ready to have something besides cats to occupy us," she responded, giving Taylor a little smile.

The blonde didn't dare to sound excited yet. She wanted to make sure Kaia was absolutely, a hundred percent certain first. "Baby, we're not talking about a cat that can pretty much take care of itself. We're talking about an actual kid here."

"I know," Kaia nodded again and reached out to hold her wife's waist, her smile widening. "And I want it. I want us to start a little family."

The truth was, any time they hung out with their friends who were already parents, Kaia would look at those babies and start to picture a little toddler with Taylor's bright blonde curls and her little toothy smile, same as all those baby pictures Andrea always showed her. She wanted it more than anything. And she was ready for it.

"And— and you're sure you wanna do it?" Taylor asked her, taking Kaia's hands in hers and holding them up to her lips. She was so close to bouncing around the room but she didn't want to get her hopes up just yet.

"I do!" Kaia reassured her, her nod firm.

"Because there are so many options, you know. We can adopt, or we can have a surrogate," Taylor continued. "I can't expect you to go through an entire pregnancy for us just like how you're not expecting me to do it."

"I'm not doing it just because you don't want to. I wanna do it! I do," Kaia promised her, giving Taylor's hands a squeeze before returning to the closet to finish getting dressed. "Childbirth's really precious, isn't it? And you get a special bond over the course of nine months in the womb with your child, I'm sure. I mean, it's not like it'll be any less special if we do go down a different route but... it is different, isn't it?"

"I suppose..." Taylor replied, sitting on the bed to put on her heels.

"My point is, I want to carry our child, Tay. The more I think about it, the more certain I am that it's what I want!"

Taylor couldn't help herself this time. She let out an excited squeal and got up to wrap her arms around Kaia from behind and kiss her cheek.

"Gosh, yes! Okay, this is going to be perfect. We're going to start a little family?"

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