09. Kaia Goes Live

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hello my favourite people in the world! how are you doing? pls enjoy this no plot just fluff <3

hello my favourite people in the world! how are you doing? pls enjoy this no plot just fluff <3

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"Good morning! Hey— wow okay, there's thousands of you already. Hi! Haven't done this in a while. Uhhh... right, okay. It's nine a.m., guys, where are all of you coming from?"

Kaia furrows her eyebrows at the screen, squinting to read a comment but then laughs and blushes sheepishly. "Yes, I know timezones are a thing. Thank you. So, I thought I might make some crepes, this morning. It's a, uh, it's a pretty good day. It's the... thirteenth of August. It's raining, which is... I love when it rains."

People were already commenting, asking what was so special about the thirteenth of August which made Kaia smirk.

She loved that it was raining again, on their wedding anniversary. Taylor was still asleep so Kaia thought she would make breakfast for her.

"It seemed like a great day for a new episode of Baking With Kibs! By the way, for all of you out there comparing this series to Cooking With Flo, did I steal the idea from her? Maybe. Did we laugh about it? Absolutely. I love Flo. Did you guys see her outfit at the EMMYs? Gorgeous woman. Anyway. So, we're going to be making breakfast, and you can ask your questions if you want to... I'll try my best to answer them.

"Actually, okay, I've already made the batter so I'm just going to be frying them now!"

After pouring the first spoonful of batter into the pan, she turned back around and leaned over the counter and smiled at the screen while reading some of the questions that were flooding in.

"Your hair's gotten quite long, are you ever going to cut it again? Probably. I don't think I'll ever shave it again, if that's what you mean but actually, I think I might cut it soon. I've always preferred shorter hair, but my partner likes to braid it sometimes when she's bored and I just let her."

Kaia grabbed the pan and turned to the camera again. "Do you guys remember, oh it must have been like ages ago, the horrible pancake flipathon? Well, I've been practicing! Watch this!"

She flipped the crepe in the air and successfully caught it with a smug grin.

"Impressive, right?"


"AH!" Kaia screamed in surprise, dropping the pan on the floor as Taylor started laughing from the kitchen doorway. "Jesus fucking christ, don't do that!"

She looked up, meeting her amused blue eyes, wearing a pair of pyjama pants and a bralette while sipping from a bottle of water. God, she looked gorgeous, even with her eyes still barely open and her hair sticking up in all directions.

Taylor motioned for her to come over to her side with her finger, away from the camera, and with a little pout, Kaia complied. "Good morning," she whispered, leaning down to peck her lips. "And happy anniversary."

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