15. the wedding morning

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dare i say it

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dare i say it....?

kaia said it first, not me

MOMMY??? sorry....

still not over how taylor is a berkis girlie


anyway apologies for the delay! this chapter took me like 2 weeks to write 💀

pls.... enjoy


"Will that donkey ever shut up?" Kaia grumbled, burying her face between her pillow and the mattress. She had tried to go back to sleep considering her eyes refused to stay open after so little sleep but that damned ass continued to scream at the top of its lungs. "We're on holiday, for heaven's sake, we need to sleep in!"

"You know, for someone who wakes up early regularly, you're quite grumpy when you don't get your full eight hours," Taylor chuckled, completely unbothered by the braying and tracing random shapes with her finger instead on Kaia's back. 

"You're not a morning person either," Kaia grumbled.

"Not usually, no. But I've learned to appreciate lazy mornings with you," she replied, leaving a sweet kiss on Kaia's back, followed by her neck, moving the pillow and her hair so she could kiss her cheek next.

Kaia exhaled through her nose. "You're right. I'm being too grumpy. Do you wanna freshen up? I feel like I need to shower and wash my face and brush my teeth and all that."

"Of course you do. You shower like three times a day," Taylor chuckled, pushing the blanket off of their bodies and holding Kaia's hand as they walked to the bathroom. "Oooh! We have a bathtub!" Taylor pointed out.

"You said the same exact thing last night," Kaia pointed out amusedly.

"Did I? I can't recall," Taylor shrugged, sitting on the edge of the tub to fix up a bath for them.

Kaia smiled at her through the mirror as she unzipped her toiletry bag and pulled out her toothbrush, toothpaste, and cleanser. She could still see streaks of black around her eyes from her makeup which she had failed to wipe properly the night before and it made her cringe at her own reflection. She pulled her hair up in a loose bun and started brushing her teeth, admiring the reflection of Taylor's side profile as she waved her hand under the stream of water while the tub started filling up. The blonde glanced up, the corners of her lips immediately turning up when she met Kaia's sleepy gaze.

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