Right person,Wrong Timing

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He was caught off guard a bit by your sudden request but it was soon replaced by a smile, "Whatever you ask~"

The next minute,you were in between his legs, leaning against his body on one of the corners of the tub. His fingers traced soft ups and downs against your arms as he embraced your form.

"How often do you come here?",you broke the silence.

"It's basically my second home. So I'd say quite a lot of times"

So that's why he was navigating each floors and room with ease. But it still left you uneasy by his words from before - 'Bed is boring'

Does that mean he's been engaged too often in bed with other women to the point where it has become boring? You know it was not your business to pry into but now that these things were bound to happen,it made you precarious.

"How many women have you taken home here?"

Immediate silence followed your words as he refused to give an answer right away.

"Hmm?",you glanced back to see a hollow smile of his.

"What~?",he then leaned in to rub his nose against yours,"Are you jealous when you think about me pleasuring other women~?"

He was trying to divert the question again.

"What if i say i am?",you were eager to know his answer anyway after all.

"Then I'd say the same goes for me"

His answer clearly reflects how he felt about the whole situation with Rindou and you. He always looked so chill about your relationship as he kept on bringing him up and remained sarcastic about it at some point of the conversation that he actually tricked you into thinking he had felt differently about you. It was only now that you realized he was not saying it out of those excuses.

"That day..",you recalled back your question at the top of the hill,"Is it the time to tell now?"

You were eager to drive the answer out of him as time was ticking away for you to reach a decision before Rindou comes back. Also with such concordance,you were sure that now would be the time for him to finally be honest about his feelings and intentions.

"Why i did these things?",he immediately knew as if he had expected it any moment now.

You hummed as a response and leaned back against him and waited for him to elaborate each and every detail.

"It's just really a bunch of stupid feelings you know..",a heavy chuckle followed his words," Just feelings for you that was there once..and never left"

So he finally admits that he still has feelings for you all along.

"Then why'd you say you wouldn't care to bother if i hadn't asked you?"you were at this point,persistent to get the truth out of him.

"Because I don't want to repeat history Y/n.."

The whole atmosphere changed into a heavy setting soon after his answer. The intimacy and the exuberance from earlier were far gone and you could tell that things were about to go down and be settled - either for best or for worst.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now