Emotional Turmoil

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Y/n's POV

With the limited effect of the amphetamines,the aftermath throbbing of your head snatched you out of your sleep.

Struggling to open your eyes,your face scrunched up from the displeasure arising from within.

Ran had given you double the amount of pills you usually take which left you completely out of sense through the whole night. You don't even remember how you managed to get home.

Speaking of which,where is Ran??

You forced your eyes open and scanned the room in search of him.

Yet,no sign of Ran.

The thought of him no longer warming your mornings began to creep up your mind. However, pushing the negativity aside,you crawled down from the bed towards the kitchen to ease your dehydrated state.



As you poured yourself a glass of water,your eyes spot a note along with a tiny package on the table. You reached out to read the note,which was written in Ran's handwriting..

'Take these to ease the headache'

Inside the package was lesser dose of amphetamines.

What's this? He never suggested this before. He wants you high from the morning or what? But it sounded like concern as he did say that it was to ease the headache...His intentions are risky with his behaviour for the past few days but you took it nonetheless,afraid to angry him again.

Where did things go wrong?

When did you start loving him with 'fear' as the driving force??

You can feel your headache start to slowly fade away and decided to lay back on the couch for a while.

Before even a minute had passed,you heard a group of guys loudly cackling close by. Startled by the sudden noise,you got up again to check what's going on outside through the window.

You were staggered to see a familiar group of guys from Roppongi, around 7-8, in front of the gate of the house. They didn't seemed to be leaving anytime soon which left you with one condition - Ran had ordered them to.

Before your thoughts could stray far,you were interrupted by the sound of the front door unlocking!!

Is he home..?

"Ran?",you called out as you slowly approached the door.

"Oh~ Sorry to disappoint you,but it's not Ran~", Nana stepped into view with a smug grin.

"What do you want?",your brows scrunched up in infuriation as you tightened your fist in defense.

"Calm down would ya?",she chuckled,"It's only morning~"

Scoffing,you curled your lip,"Do you think seeing you first thing in the morning is pleasant?"

"Now now..",she clicked her tongue and approached you,"Don't go ruining my mood~",she whispered into your ear,"I just came back from an intense sex session~"

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now