Danger Ahead

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-violence alert







"With whom shall i start?",you smiled and happily skipped towards them.

On getting closer,they could clearly see your face.You approached the middle one of the three girls with a grin,

"Now,how bad do you wanna end up?",you asked.

"You should be the one choosing that.Do you know who i am??",she approached you as well.She was not backing off easily either.

"Let's hear who you are?", you leaned forward your ear towards her to hear what she was going to say.

"My boyfriend is a gang leader of Roppo-",you cut her off with with a punch on the face.

She stumbled back a few steps as her two other friends held her.

"Oh,sorry i didn't quite get what you say",you laughed at her.

"You're really paying for this you bit*h",she yelled and ran towards you with a fist.

You dodged and caught her arm with your hands,"Weak",you tilted your head while smiling at her.

"Hey,back off",the other girl approached you too.

"(Name), don't-"

You landed a kick on her temple.

She fell to the ground as the girl in front of you look at you horrified.

"Aren't you gonna try and attack me too?,you asked the girl who had tried to stop her friends.

"W-wild cat of S-Shibuya",she pointed to you and ran away.

You smiled and stared back at the girl in front of you,"You have a boyfriend right? I'll do him a favor", you smirked and pushed the girl up the wall behind her.You placed your feet at both of hers and pin her hands up in the air.

She was already screaming at the sting from her feet.Ahh~been a while since you heard these screams...You then snaked your hands around her belly and took a grip at her lower ribs.

"Hmm..what should i choose?",you thought for a moment,"Oh,you look 16.. let's go with one and six",you proposed.

"Huh? L-let go of me. I'm sorry. Please",she was struggling to get out.

"Twelve","Eleven",Ten".....you count her ribs,trailing up from the bottom.

"Six",you stopped and pressed her ribs as hard as you can while she screamed in pain.

A crack echoes in the dark groove with a loud scream.

"Five","Four","Three"....you kept counting up.

"One", you smiled at her.

A louder scream echoes as you feel the bone you gripped break in two.

You stepped off her feet and let go of her hands.She immediately cupped her ribs and struggled to run away.

"Waste of time",you mumbled and picked up your shopping bag which you have kept aside before the fight.

"T-thank you very mu-"

A sharp slap echoes again as you hit the girl who was thanking you.It was the girl whom they had bullied.

She glanced back at you in shock.

"You know what i hate? Weak girls",you stared at her.

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't apologise!!",you cut her off again.

She had remained quiet which made you take a glance at her.She was on the verge of fainting!!!!Her nose bled and she started losing consciousness!!

"Oi,get a hold of your-",you stepped in time to get hold of her.

Mikey's house was closer than the hospital and since he had invited you, you have no choice but to finally show up.You carried the girl on your back and head towards Mikey's house.






"What exactly did you do?", Mitsuya questioned you as you look away avoiding the question. Though you were good at fighting,he was opposed to the idea of you beating people up.

"Mitsuya,she was helping a 'friend'.." Mikey laughed and quote what you've told them earlier.You had thought you can get away with the 'helping a friend' card but you were wrong.The idea of having a 'friend' who is a girl was a new topic after all.

"Shut up",you glared at him.

"It's done",Emma walked out of the room along with the girl you carried home.

"Oh,are you okay?",Mikey asked the girl.

"Yes.I am fine now",she replied and thanked them.

"So,Y/n-chan helped you?",Takemichi butt in to clear the awkward atmosphere.

"Y-yes.I was almost beaten up",she smiled.

"You are beaten up", you glared at her.

"Because you hit me again..",she softly protest but everyone could hear it because of the silence.

Your jaw dropped in disbelief and got up towards her but Draken had gripped you,"Let go of me Draken. I'm beating this unthankful girl to a pulp", you struggled.

"You just saved her though", Draken calmly replied.

The girl giggled softly which caught all of you by surprise,"I am thankful.I am alive because of you.Thank you,Y/n-chan!!",she bowed towards you.

You suddenly got shy at such a formal gratitude,"Tch.Whatever", you looked away.

"Tell us your details and why you're beaten up",Mitsuya finally spoke up.

"My name's Yoshida Toko and i live here in Shibuya.The girls from before were my senpais at school.I had caught them consuming drugs and stuffs once and since then they started threatening me and make me do things for the sake of my life..."

"See, I told you I'm not the only girl who's insa- hmpf",Draken covered your mouth to stop you from speaking.

"Are the girls from Shibuya too?Scary!!!", Takemichi continued to question Toko.

"No. They're from Roppongi".

A long silence prevails at the mention of that town.You had noticed the girl you beat up mentioning Roppongi during the fight but you were too pissed to even give a damn.Now you think about it, it's a pretty messed up hell. Roppongi has a name for high consumption of drugs and  insanely strong leaders who rule the city.It was a place not safe to wander around alone even in groups. Most people and gangs usually avoid this area at all cost.
And here you are beating up random girls from Roppongi.....

"You are not going out again until i say so" Mitsuya ordered.

Haitanis are finally appearing at the next chapter✌️
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