37. Blood promise

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Witches are created and molded from coven to coven. Each coven has their own signage and shifter quality. The dark bloods are snakes, earthglows are foxes, PoisonIvy's are ravens and the royal line of witches are said to be Phoenix's. Any witch born with different shifter abilities within their own coven are either banished or killed. May the witch lineage forever remain pure for our Maiden and crone.

Established Article Scroll belonging to the Witch Hall Chamber Museum.


My heart remained thumping hard just like it had last night. It had been like that nonstop, it made sleeping futile and I didn't dare attempt it, in fear of the dreams that would haunt me. I breathed in the air that I once would have considered fresh in Abdera, but now all I breathed in is the blood in the air that this cursed land seemed to absorb.

My jaw clenched on its own accord when I scented the lord before seeing him. He watched me with scrutiny and rubbed the back of his neck. The fire blades strapped onto my black and gold armor seemed to beg to be used. Seducing me to command it alight and sink it into the Lords tainted flesh to watched it burn and turn into char.

The lord hissed and rubbed at his neck. I smiled darkly to myself- I willed the mark on his neck burn hotter.

The blood promise that was owed to me meant he would die as long as those markings were on his neck. And I would make sure of it, even if its not today. Fate would make us cross paths again and again, all until the promise has been met and blood is spilled. At least.. this is what I thought blood promises had worked.

She would know.. she has all the answers I seek.

My heart constricted in pain- the pain you get from missing someone who betrayed you.

I refused my subconscious from thinking more of her.

I got atop my stallion that had been brought out by Abderan guards whom were too afraid to look me in the eyes. They had no doubt been told to be weary around me from their Lord. I showed them my teeth in a smile that did not meet my eyes - no fangs shown. But still just as dangerous.

I dragged a nail over my blades. No claws- but could still slit their throats in the broad daylight.

I didn't want to leave this land after finding out the information I had gotten. There were Duvessan survivors being hunted. And I couldn't do anything about it.. nothing. Not alone at least... The guilt in my core that had already existed began eating at me faster while I led my horse to the group of Apollon soldiers who readied themselves for their journey back to their homelands..

The Kingdom of Apollo.

The Kingdom of light.

The little girl in my mind did not scream, did not cry.. did not whimper or thrash around. She instead stayed quiet- I felt it. Felt her dread and fear. The Kingdom of Apollo had been the only kingdom I had refused to visit since being an arena warrior. The land was said to be filled with Apollo's light; bright, powerful and strong. My legs began to ache, the way they always did when I was anxious and stressed.

Apollo was the last stop to our journey.. where the prince would see the king- his father to report his conquests and accomplishments. Where he would no doubt introduce me as his warrior.

A sudden wind pushed against my cheek, making my onyx hair blow against my face. I clenched my fist- the desperate need to color my hair weighed on my shoulders. To remain hidden and out of notice. I had let my hair loose this morning- opened for all to see.

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