33. Bargaining

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"That was quite, entertaining. Was it not?" the lord nervously laughed and avoided the prince's fiery eyes. "You asked them on my arrival date. Tell me Morvin, why the need?" the prince questioned the Lord of Abdera by his name.

"Why.. to create a soiree in honor of your name." the Lord looked like he had more to say but the prince immediately cut him off.

"Cut the pretentious bullshit Morvin and speak to me as if you were speaking to my father."

Any look of welcome and gracious behaviour that was previously portrayed wiped the lords face. It was as if he had been wearing a mask. It was mildly concerning.

"Let us discuss these matters in private." the Lord said and led us inside his home.


The Lord- Morvin had 5 guards stationed in his private study and I had taken note of two guards stationed outside the doors of the study. The lord seemed to have an abundance of guards and soldiers at his disposal.

Inanov and myself accompanied the prince. The lords study was dark, two lanterns were hung up by the doorway and one had been placed upon the lords desk where the Prince and myself sat in front of.

I tried hard to concentrate on this meeting and not think too much on the close proximity of the prince. Of how his knees had brushed against mine- of how I could feel the heat of his body radiate from him.

"Tea?" Morvin asked while pouring himself a cup, its steam slowly trailing up and then disappearing.

"Are you going to answer my question Morvin?" the prince didn't need to voice out his threats in order for the lord to understand what the fire in his eyes meant.

"I needed to prepare my side of the bargain for when you request my land to be put under Apollo." the Lord blew on his tea and then sipped.

"That is wise of you. But what did you do in exchange with that information. Abraax demons do nothing for free." the prince asked good questions and had good suspicions. It had made me wonder even more of how much knowledge does this prince have. Being thrown into a sudden political spree with the prince had widened my eyes and answered many things that I myself, had not known.

"The demons visited Abdera on their own accord, not expressing what their business was- I granted them leisure, parties and grand rooms. They had stayed- for nearly a week. I felt the least they could do was grant me and indication of your arrival from their talents." the lord gave a shrug and settled into his large, high back chair.

"And tell me. After wining and dining the demons- were you able to come up with your side of the bargain?" the prince kept his face emotionless- tracking carefully with the discussion. It was different than how he bargained with the Vampire King. Definitely different than how he wanted to deal with the Lord of Litara. He was about to bargain with a man that was already well connected with Apollo and traded daily with them.

"Abdera has magnificent cultivations on our crops- our live stock. The blood rubies we mine and send daily to Apollo is another factor. As you already know- we have everything we need. However there is something- I need. Make me the King of Hand." my eyes had widened when the Lord finished his sentence. The prince did not show his surprise and neither was he pleased.

"We already have a King of Hand." Adrion rolled his eyes at the lord, do doubt referring to Colfe.

The Lord shrugged, "Kill him, then you'll be needing a new one. Or make me your King of Hand when you become king." the Lord slowly smirked.

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