18. Nightingale Wings

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Nocturna the divine, the goddess of Fae in the realm of Darkness has blessed faeries with their equal halves, eternal beings destined by fate to be together for the good or for the evil of Terran. A first indication of these immortal beings that have yet to meet their mate is the song of a nightingale. One of Nocturna's beloved children. Sacred to all Duvessan fae, and rare to be found as it carries natural healing properties in its shimmering blood.

Duvessan Fae History.

The following text has been transcribed in an oath of truth by Volda Keely Darkblood of the Darkblood Witch Coven.

The original text has been destroyed upon command from the High King of Apollo- Solaire Gideon.


I felt the wind slide against trees, curling into the leaves to create rapid touches against the skin of my cheek.

I unpacked the grey stallion, unburdening him from all the weight of my weapons and the few essentials I had packed.

"You're supposed to let me unpack you know, since you basically announced me as your weapons boy," Red muttered as he followed me into my yellow tent.

Yellow.. how original for the Apollons.

I ignored him and shoved a wooden box of my belongings into his arms.

He stumbled back but caught his footing as he placed it down, next to my bedroll.

A puzzled look plastered on Red's face as he opened up the box.

"Red, what in Nocturna are you doing? You aren't supposed to go through a lady's-"

"You own a violin?" He asked.

My heart skipped a beat as I laid my eyes on the instrument.

I grit my teeth and looked him dead in the eye.

He paled and somehow understood he needed to drop the subject and kept it back in place.

"I'll go see where they're setting up the rest of the camp." Red spoke as he walked out quickly.

The only person who had known of the violin was Fala.

She packed it..

The mere thought of her and her actions had angered me so much, I decided to drop my cloak onto the box.

Wanting it out of my sight.

It had no purpose in my life anymore.

"Then destroy it. Throw it away." A little girl answered in my mind.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"You won't however.. Because it reminds you of our home." She whispered sadly.

I let out an anxious sigh and strapped one of my fire blades to my thigh and exited the tent.

An enormous tent was stationed closely next to my own.

Red seemed gleeful at the campfire where a golden teapot was set atop a fire.

I walked to join and hopefully get a cup for myself.

"You have no need to worry about your current accommodation, I assume it is rather uncomfortable. I thought it would be kind for you to; how would you say it "acclimatise" to your new line of work and new company you are surrounded by first?"

"What do you mean." My nostrils flared as I met the Prince's red eyes.

He leaned against the wooden post of his tent.

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