11. When Lost Souls Meet

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I found myself a few feet away from the dressing room. A cold chill settling over me.

The three days I once assumed would grant enough preparation time had gone by in a blur. I rested yesterday, after all the training I endured with Dezimus. All the tricks practiced over and over, that he'd been wanting me to master- one of those skills was handling a bow and arrow.

One would think my aim would be exceptional, considering my skills from my blade throwing. But it wasn't the case with archery. It made me wonder humorously that perhaps my aim might be better in a life-or-death situation. 

I took a hesitant step back. Away from the marque opening where I could hear voices behind it, familiar voices bubbling with excitement.

A dried twig snapped underneath my boot.

"Mor?" Ezra's voice called out my name in a light hearted laugh. I could almost see his body illuminated from inside the covers.

I stealthily walked away quickly from the area, not ready to go in. I needed more time.
I hated the idea of having unknown visitors that won't be announced. The feeling did not sit well with me for days now.

Yesterday, the rest I had was the most normal day I've had in a while. Since the day I killed the cliftolight in Abdera, before the nightmares could start again.

Night had come and the air was frost-like. I sucked in a deep breath, closed my eyes and exhaled.

I smiled in memory of yesterday. The lake. The serene quiet. Ezra's voice. The way our laughter had both synced and sounded almost peaceful together.

"oh come on Mor. Don't act as if I'm not the most beautiful man you've ever seen." Ezra gestured to himself before diving into the lake.

Rhey slithered up my leg and coiled around my arm.

"Not by far Archeirus!" I screamed and laughed as he swam my way.

Rhey spotted a red tiger fish- immediately plopping into the water and increased in size to snatch it.

"You swim like an old blubber whale." I snorted.

"Are you saying I'm big?".

"No, I'm calling you old and fat," I said with a straight face.

He let out a righteous laugh.

He then reached for my hair, which I didn't conceal. He touched the wet ends softly.

I couldn't help but turn away.

I blinked away the memory.

I had made up my mind. Ezra wanted out of the arena.

He was right. We couldn't keep living this way.

The only reason he stayed was for me. Two more performances.. and then we're both done. We'll both start our own life, perhaps one together if I take up his offer from the night of our hunt..

I had to tell Fala. I needed to.

I walked determinedly- walking past her compartment tent towards her dressing one.

I glanced up into the sky.

Nocturna. I might not deserve it. But I want to try. Try life.

As sudden as lightning a bulky figure bumped into me. Making me stumble back a few steps before I planted my feet firmly into the ground to catch myself.

"You insolent mole! Watch where-" the grey bearded man cut his harsh demeaning words off when he laid his eyes on me.

"Excuse me for my language miss..?" the man trailed off, waiting to hear my last name.

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