29. Green Gem Stone

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The air smelled fresh. The decay and rot from these lands were slowly receding- that disturbing gut feeling I once felt in this land was only a mere memory now. Two days had passed since I had awoken- and today the Apollon's were packing up to finally leave.

I was glad to finally be outside- not cooped up in the manor's walls. To feel the sun and walk freely. Well- at least try to walk. The prince had indeed healed my broken knee bone- but there was still that annoying limp that had not worn off. Thankfully, the pain was not as bad as it was two days ago.

Word had been sent out to the Kingdom of Apollo to call in a minister to govern Litara as there was no lord, no longer. The minister- grey haired with no smile, had arrived early this morning and with this done, the prince can finally conquer the next land he is in need to visit.

I walked or rather limped to where the horses were now stationed, outside the gates of the manor. My hands roamed across my torso, feeling my fire blades around me to make sure all were strapped in tight to the armor I wore.

Gold and white filled my view. White flags with a golden sun- a sigil of the Kingdom of Light. They now spread across the land and was mounted on stands across the village. Some soldiers held some up while on their horses- no doubt in pride of finally conquering Litara.

Men that slept while you fought. The shadows whispered and I immediately scattered those thoughts away.

"Goodness, I do hope the next land is more civilized than what we have witnessed. I am in need of at least 5 courtesan's at my side." an oily voice complained. I didn't dare look at Colfe, worried that if he looked noticed my glare- he might take it as an invite to talk to me.

Luckily enough for me, he got into the golden carriage and shut the door.

I gently patted my grey stallion and then stared at the dark box attached to its side.

Where the violin was kept.

It was as if the pain in my leg was re-ignited and the shadows in my heart cried out to hear the music.

I grit my teeth and then covered the box with the saddle that I began to buckle around the horse.

I cleared my mind from any dark thought and looked to the bright sky. Studying the clouds- white clouds no longer dark and thunderous. No more scent of rain in the air-

A light tap on my shoulder had me jerking away and grabbing at my nearest fire blade until- I noticed it was her.

The innkeepers daughter stood in front of me, eyes widened as she eyed the blade I was about to swipe out. I felt like a fool, for scaring her after all she had already been through.

I steered my hands away from my blade and gave her a friendly smile. "Elle, right?" It was only then I had noticed the innkeeper and her husband standing a few feet away. They gave me a firm nod- as if to thank me.

"Yes, your highness." it was my turn for my eyes to widen. The shadows inside me purred at the name.

"No, that's not-" I stumbled over my words and then finally said. "You may call me Mor."

"I apologize. I assumed you and the prince were.. together." she looked down and didn't meet my eyes. Her fingers twiddling against her dress.

"No, no of course not. I'm his warrior." I corrected her softly. It was like trying to not scare off a wounded bird. Yet I could only imagine what it must have been like. To be sick, to be trapped and to be abused the way she was. To have no choice and to have her body being forced by in a trance like state to do things she did not want.

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