34. Blood Sacrifice

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"In the end, it was the royal darklings of their own kin that slaughtered everyone in the Kingdom of Darkness. It goes to show that darkness has and always be what it is- destruction and evil. Light was our saviour and is the only counter force of darkness- it has always- even by times of the olden fae age been known as a symbol of good. It was by Apollo's grace that I was able to stop the darkness from further crossing all lands- and we might thank our gods that the late King of Duvessa does not control all the lands. For we would have all been condemned to Riaan."

The following text from the Great Death articles is a direct tribunal record of King Solair Gideon's speech after saving the whole of Terran from imminent death.


Drip, drip, drip.

I was cold and that damned ache in my leg had re-surfaced along with plenty new pains to accompany it.

I opened my eyes but there was so much blackness- it almost felt like my eyes were still closed. I could hear my heart thudding in my ears by how hard it pounded. My wrists were bound behind me and slowly panic set in after the initial confusion passed. I immediately struggled against the binds, moving my head side to side- trying to get the covering off my head. The usual weight of my fire blades was not there and it was no use trying to get them out when it had been evidently stripped off me.

Drip, drip, drip, drip.

The sound echoed.

Suddenly my eyes were free from the darkness when the black cover was roughly yanked off my head. The whisps of my dark hair flew onto my face as I glared up at my abductor. My vision focused almost immediately on the Lord who cruelly smiled down at me. The Lord was surrounded by his soldiers- there were so many in this spacious prison-like surrounding. There was no light, except for the moon shining through a well-shaped opening in the ceiling.

I couldn't take all of his men in a fight even if I had my blades- there seemed to be at least 50 of them here. All sneering and looking at me with venom.

"What is the meaning of this? The prince will have you killed for treason of harming his royal warrior." I spoke aloud- I needed to buy time. The prince- Goddess I can only hope. The prince would look for me when he realises I am not there by midnight. He'd come looking for me... unless he thinks I got cold feet.

"You're replaceable- impressive at killing Cliftolights. But replaceable nonetheless." the Lord snorted and walked around me in a circle.

Drip, drip, drip, drip.

I heard that dripping sound again, and since my vision was given back to me- I could now spot where the sound had been coming from.

There was a large fountain that was placed under the well well-shaped opening where the moonlight shone through. The fountain did not have sparkling water sputtering out of it like the ones in the Lord's gardens- no.. this one dripped something red and thick.

It looked like blood.

"I must apologise. You did save my life from that Cliftolight when you had performed at my arena- but when I saw you tonight. With your natural hair- the darkness of it? I felt like a fool for not having noticed before." the Lord now knelt in front of me and smiled wider. He reached to touch my hair and I snapped my mouth at him. He quickly held his hand away and then slowly chuckled.

"Like a feral wild animal. All of you Darkness folk are the same." the Lord frowned and his mention of the dark folk stunned me.

My heart pounded and the voices in my head had awoken and were now whispering with each other.

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