12. Devil Eyes

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The meeting he had just attended before entering the borders of Celast was brief and mood-dampening. The demons his father called allies were the bane of his mission. He couldn't have them ruin any of the plans he set. The King might have been too aloof to see the trickery and untrustworthiness in the demon's eyes, but Adrion was no fool.

Why his father had a sworn alliance to them, was another mystery.

The meeting that was held had been a surprise to everyone in his team but him. "I knew they'd want to taunt me. Considering my aim and gain of this mission."

They wanted to test the light of the Prince of Apollo.

They wanted to see if he was a threat or not..

The night did not seem to have gotten worse- he could still remember the familiar scent he caught when he was finally in Celast.

The scent had led him to bloody Apollan Colfe and- a rather delicious stranger..

He would have offered her a place in his sheets if it weren't for his name already arranged before birth for another..


Not that this stopped him from inviting other women to his bed in the comforts of the hidden rooms in the Golden Castle.

His betrothed waited for him behind the golden gates of Apollo, and he'd be damned if he made this trip longer than it needed to be, as wedding her would mean another alliance for his kingdom.

The air had an evening chill to it. Far different than the heat that shone when entering Celast.

The heat was nothing compared to the heat Apollo endured, the warmth Celast had was almost pleasant. Compared to the blistering waves his kingdom offered.

He could already sense the mirth that radiated from the arena.

The excitement, the laughter, the noise.

Dritan had already made it clear that he'd show the prince three selected men that he would, unfortunately, have to choose from.

His men, with the permission of the master of the arena. Will show their skills during the show.

The only message Adrion had made Inanov give the Lord was the request of a private area to watch the show.

Adrion already felt rather bitter, to sit among the commoners this land had invited.

He didn't need any whores panting by his feet.

The discreet grey cloak he had above his golden cape did not seem to weigh the prince down as he made his way to the magnificent marquee.

It almost made him stare.

Beautiful hunter green with markings of gold.

The gold was to honor him, his arrival- his attendance.

Adrion felt the gold had spoiled the pleasantry of the marquee. No matter how devastatingly enchanting it looked.

Inanov awaited near the entrance. With the rest of his men. Dressed for the occasion.

They all looked like symbols of Apollo.

It would be pathetic if no one could already tell who was to be attending.

He could already hear Akiel and Hulin bickering about what type of powers the freaks of the arena might have.

"Your majesty, Lord Dritan has secured a private area for you to watch. Above all the other spectators." Inanov directed the prince through the crowd who stared in awe of his soldiers.

Barely sparing a look at the mysterious grey cloaked man among them.

It was just how he had wanted it.

The attention turned away from him as he neared another entrance.

There was a significant amount of guards that began to open a heavy golden drape for only Inanov and the prince to go through.

It could be heard, that the arena was getting louder. People began cheering and yelling. More people swarmed in.

Adrion moved past Inanov in the dimly lit pathway that led to a big balcony that gave an impeccable view of the arena.

Music had started.

It was powerful- adrenaline pumping music.

Music that had the spectators' noise minimized to a murmur.

People stared at the balcony in question as the grey cloaked figure approached.

Adrion had worn many different masks in front of many different people.

He had always worn a mask around his father. His tutors. His betrothed. His men. And the biggest mask of all that he had perfected was the mask he wore in front of his Kingdom, his citizens, among commoners. Among the peasants who came to spectate.

With grace and power.

He discarded the dull cloak.

Chin held up high. A posture of steel.

The spectators gasped.

And all..


Every single one of them- erupted in roars of excitement.

They all gazed upon the Apollan prince's glory.

The prince had shone. And they had felt his prowess.

One of the abilities from his royal bloodline was already at work.

The small drop of fae lineage echoed and sang.

He had made the whole arena feel his strength- his power as the 1st born prince of Apollo.

Adrion's eyes glowed red.

His hair silver. Shining like the brightest star among a midnight sky.

His sun kissed skin glowed with ethereal beauty.

With a knowing smirk, he sat on the dark green padded couch.

He looked regal as he propped his legs up. His golden cape fluttered over the couch. He was like a painting in the halls of heaven.

A golden prince, with red devil eyes. And the hair of an angel. Sprawled along a couch- With raw power that shone on others who caught a glimpse of him.

Adrion sat there. With a sense of authority. The authority he knew, he was entitled to.

The music grew louder. Powerful. Welcoming his grand entrance into the arena.

His white shirt was adorned with golden markings. His muscles almost strained against the fabric.

And the ring on his finger was gold. With a ruby that matched his fiery eyes.

Deadly. That's what he was.

With or without magic. He would always be.

The women in the arena were entranced and many were already day dreaming, of what it would be like to be even closer to such beauty and power.

His gaze might have been seen as welcoming, with the smirk of a smile.

But no.

It was calculating.

Regarding every single damned thing in his line of vision.

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