1. Power Alone Is Not Enough

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The Apollon fae's lineage has significantly decreased over the years- making the bloodline weak compared to the pure blooded fae of the old days. The old blooded fae is no longer, and the Apollon royalty are what remains- with their fiery red eyes.

The following text has been destroyed upon command from the High King of Apollo- Solaire Gideon.


Adrion had been angry all his life but he had never thought he would be angry enough to disobey the king.

The subtle aroma of sage could be detected in the golden halls that he had walked upon all his life. Gold intricate designs were scattered along its deep carmine red walls which followed glamorous yet precise paintings of the past rulers of the Kingdom- his ancestors..

The same ancestors who used witches to make this very royal castle magic-proof to the wielders from outsiders or even enemies, the only ones able to use it are of the bloodline of the royals. The blood which runs through his veins..

"This artificial tribute to the castle wouldn't be of benefit to me in any circumstance.." He couldn't help but bitterly think.

The young man could feel the warmth from each golden lantern that was hung up on these bright walls as he stalked towards the eastern wing of the castle.

He inhaled the sage aroma deeply, hoping it would calm his fury.

Unrelenting. Rage. Ire.

"He won't make me. I refuse." the angry man now thought to himself, repeating those words over and over like a mantra.

"I've always done so much for him... Tried to prove myself.. Follow every single damned order.. Trained myself to the point of breaking.. And this is what I get.."

The smell of sage had always seemed to calm him when the man was at a younger age.. His mother had been the one, years ago, to order the maids to light sage along the castle walls, "to cleanse and heal spiritually".. she always said.

He clenched his fists tightly and let go of any thoughts of her as he entered the royal chambers, trying desperately to control his angered breaths.

"Greetings, your majesty, I'm afraid the King of Hand forbade anyone to be let through the doors at this hour." one of the royal guards, Sedrick, if he remembered correctly, had said.

He was not interested.

No excuses. Not now.

"Open it. I won't ask twice." He gritted out.

The royal guards with bright yellow cloaks were stationed in front of the King of Hand's door, adorned in armor that beheld the striking symbol of the sun on their shoulder pads, then bowed down to him and reluctantly opened the doors with weary eyes as the young man shoved himself through the doors angrily.

The first thing he heard as he had walked in were the deep moans and squeals of women. He kept his face blank, hiding his disgust while biting the inside of his cheek.

"I want to speak with the King." he said loud enough to catch the attention of the two courtesans on the King of Hand's desk, legs spread for the man in front of them. The two courtesans smiling even more at the sight of him.

Colfe turned around and gave a wry grin. As he lazily waved his hand in the air, dismissing the young man, "The King does not wish to see anyone now boy."


He grew more furious.. His muscles beginning to clench.. "If it weren't for the title he held.. His head would make a perfect decoration on the castle's front gates.. Perfectly placed on a stake" he thought.

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