16. Challenging the Wicked

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They say when you're about to do something scary, something so important and heart crunching. Adrenaline fills your body to the brim.

But that wasn't the case today. My soul knew what it had to do- what it was required to do. Something cruel and dark manifested inside me..

What does all of this mean..?

A loud piercing 'clank' sound is made from Klarc's sword banging on a metal gate, drawing my attention.

But there will be a time to figure everything out, more than enough time considering if I make it out of this.

The fall from the spectating balcony was swift. The cliftolights immediately had their attention on me.

They all smiled. I didn't even know it was possible for them to.

The dark matter stretched into a deep grip with jagged razor sharp teeth jutting out.

I took position in first stance, it was the first thing I had been taught when I could walk.


"Daughter of death." They hummed in unison.

I stalked towards them, swinging a sword that did not belong to me. A sword that must have belonged to one of the dead brothers.


"Shut it." I grit my teeth and began my strike at the closest one.

I leapt to shove the sword into its spiked neck and unleashed my fire blade from my thigh to slash at its face repeatedly.

I hold onto one of its spikes for leverage.

Commanding fire immediately without saying a word.

Its black inky blood oozed and burned through the fabric of my tunic. I pulled onto its head with all the strength I had.

Gurgling sounds mixed with a growl escaped from it before the cliftolight and I both slammed into the ground with its head out of its body.

I wiped the muck from my cheek and eyed the last two cliftolights.

"My brothers! They need healers! Open the gates!" Klarc shouted.

The spectators gasped.

The audience had been in too much shock and fear to evacuate, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, and whether the Prince and his guards were still spectating was a mystery to me, as no guard opened the gates for Klarc.

I was beyond furious as the man whom called himself a warrior wanted to escape. A man who was goddess blessed.

The cliftolights screeched at the death of its fallen brother.

I eyed them.

As unexpected, as it was frustrating. Someone's armour shoves me into the ground.

Armour that belonged to Klarc.

"This is my fight." He spat.

"How dare you," I whispered softly.

The cliftolights seemed to grin at this, their sharp jiggered teeth opening more. Almost curious, and watchful at Klarc's and I's interaction.

"How dare you-" I pointed my fire blade at him "-stand in my way." I spoke darkly.

The arena darkened in mass.

Klarc panted, his eyes darting.

In a swift move with a kick behind his knee, I slid behind Klarc and held my blade to his neck.

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