CH. 56

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As you groggily got up, your eyes adjusting to the dim environment, you noticed Jack laying on the floor by the couch where you were laying, his free arm draped onto the couch and protectively laying across your waist. The sight made your skin paste with a dark blush as you carefully sat up, stepping over his sleeping figure.

Walking into the kitchen and turning on the light you noticed the nearby clock read 2.56 AM and as your eyes scanned the counter you noticed the grocery bags were gone. "Me and (y/s) put them away." An oh so familiar raspy British voice said behind you, long arms wrapping themselves back around you.

"Oh.. Thank you.." You mustered out a murmur, reaching behind to pull his head down and place a small kiss of gratitude against his jaw, or at least the part you could reach. Small actions of affection like this slowly became the norm between you, he did something sweet for you and you'd reward him with a sweet kiss to his temple.

He chuckled at your gesture, turning you around and picking you up bridal style, being careful to not slam you into any ceilings, walls or edges as he carried you up into your room to get some propper, more 'comfortable' sleep.

By the time he opened the door and sat you down on the edge of the bed he was already kneeling to be at your eye level again as one of his clawed fingers tapped his lips, a small sign of what he wanted from you.

As you cupped his face, kissing him tenderly he hummed with pure bliss and satisfaction. Kissing him had always been a bit awkward, having to tilt his head to the side a bit more than usual to avoid having your eyes poked out by his long, cone shaped nose. Not that you minded at all, the action actually making every kiss the two of you shared just a speck more intimate than any other you've experienced in your few relationships before.

As you pulled away his lips followed, yearning for more as you laughed at his absolute puppy behavior. "You'll get more later, I'm sleepy." You hummed, your hands caressing his face as he leaned into the gentle hold you had on him.

He nodded reluctantly, his hands adjusting their grip on you so you could comfortably lay yourself down, his massive frame following right after and swallowing you up in his embrace yet again. As your breathing calmed, your eyes growing increasingly heavy you finally felt at peace. Calm, warm and most importantly safe. 


I wanted to give it a poetic ending without it being sad but now its bugging me that I wont be able to ruin someone's week with an angsty ending >:/

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