INHUMAN 26: Cold

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Eric nodded. He wanted to ask more questions but he was not sure if it was inappropriate so, he held back. Loki also took this chance ask a question because he became curious due to Aizel's answer.

"What's wrong with your body?" Loki asked. This question got the attention of all the members inside the room. Even Aliyah slightly looked up.

Aizel laughed and touched the back of his neck. "I was on a mission assigned by my father yesterday and got injured a bit. So, I don't really have an appetite."

"Oh, is that the reason why you did not join the patrol yesterday?" Mycah asked in behalf of the members. She was the other female enforcer in their team.

Aizel nodded. "Yes, so this lunch is somewhat like an apology for not being able to join the patrol."

"It's fine since nothing really happened last night and we were able to go home without getting soaked in dark blood from any Tenebrae." Mycah shook her head and even her hand to show that it was not a big deal.

"Is there something wrong team leader?" Randolph asked Aliyah who was looking at Aizel.

Five pairs of eyes shifted their gazes to Aliyah who did not care even if she was discovered to be looking at Aizel. She ignored them and was only looking at the silver haired young man. They were silently waiting for her to speak.

After a few minutes, she averted her gaze and returned to eating without saying a word. The other five looked at each other in confusion but none of them wanted to pursue the matter. Confused as he was, Aizel also remained silent. They continued their conversation while eating and got to know their new member a bit better.

"I've been meaning to ask you this, how did you get that kind of hair color? Did you dye it?" Randolph asked with full of curiosity. Among them, he was the one most particular about his appearance and they often witness him changing hair color and style.

"Oh," Aizel unconsciously touched his hair, "it's natural."

Randolph nodded. Having a natural silver hair color was rare. He did not suspect anything and just nodded in acknowledgement. In their world, nothing as already strange and they got used to accepting everything like it was something normal.

"That hair color actually suits you. Younger people do really look good with that kind of color and it brings out the color of your eye. You looked like you don't belong in this place. I could see you standing among those elite people in bigger cities." Randolph did not forget to compliment the man.

Aizel couldn't help but laugh. He already knew the profile of these people and his age wasn't that much far from them. "I'm actually the same age as Loki." He said with a smile.

The room fell into silence at that statement while looking at him. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Are you sure?" Mycah asked with bewilderment written all over her face. "I thought you were younger than us or even at the same age as Enforcer Aliyah."

Aizel shook his head, "I am already twenty-five. My looks are attributed to my genes."

"Woah," Randolph exclaimed. He leaned on his seat and shook his head. "But I could understand, if we look at General Leroy, he looks younger than his actual age too."

Laughter then erupted inside the room because of the expression on Randolph's face. He was constantly shaking his head and exclaiming 'woah' while eating. He was really envious because of Aizel's superior looks.

"I wished I had your genes that way I won't always worry about the wrinkles that are starting to form on my face." Randolph exclaimed again without addressing Aizel which elicited another laugh from the group.

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