INHUMAN 23: Human?

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While all of these were happening, the man who was watching outside observed his screen and every time one of the Tenebrae's suffered a blow, the parts of the bodies from the screen would light up with a red color. He shook his head as the Basilisks didn't even put up a decent fight against Aizel.

After dealing with them, Aizel's attention was drawn outside. He subtly looked at the direction of the man who thought that he was thoroughly hidden behind a cloaking disguise. The man was busy manipulating the wrist band on his arms that he failed to notice the bloodlust being directed towards his direction.

Instead of walking, Aizel used his wings to silently carry him towards the hidden enemy's position. He landed softly in front of the unsuspecting man. Like a curious child, he tilted his head to the right then to the left before he decided to speak.

"What are you doing?" The question came out as a whisper that made the other man stop.

The man slowly lifted his head and came eye to eye with Aizel. He narrowed his eyes and reached out for the weapon behind his back. The long baton was swung towards Aizel as it crackled with electricity.

Aizel bent back and avoided the weapon. He then back flipped a couple of times to create a distance between them. He grinned when the man behind the cloak finally revealed himself.

"You look human," Aizel commented. He looked at his enemy from head to foot and used his senses to feel if the other was some kind of a hidden monster.

"Because I am." The man answered as he flexed the baton he was holding. "But I can still fight you without any problems."

"Oh, you are talking big, let me bring you down a notch then." Aizel smirked and prepared himself for battle.

His arms were slowly covered with scales until his shoulders. The other man watched this transformation but wasn't affected by it. Instead of waiting, he rushed towards Aizel with the baton and swung it again.

This time, Aizel did not dodge. He raised his hand and met the baton. The man calmly back away and attacked once again. Aizel let the man attack while he continued to defend. The attacks came from different directions but he parried them all.

The enemy jump forward and gripped the baton with both hands as he brought down the weapon. Aizel raised both of his hands to stop the attack. As the weapon and his arms connected, the man pressed a button on the baton and it released a high voltage electricity that penetrated through the parts of Aizel's body that wasn't covered in scales.

The man made a back flipped then propelled himself one more time towards Aizel and swung the baton one more time. Another wave of electricity hit Aizel and even the ground turned black at how high the voltage of the electricity was. Aizel was forced to kneel down because of the attack but this did not entirely stop him.

A black tail appeared from behind him and hit the enemy. He was flung but before he hit any of the walls or the furniture, the tail wrapped itself around the enemy's waist and pulled him back. It did not stop there as the tail slammed him down a couple of times.

The man started to bleed from the assault but he was not worried. All he needed to do was land one critical hit and his death would be worth it. This was the only thing that was running through his mind as he was getting slammed from right to left.

When Aizel was satisfied, he raised the man using his tail and brought him near him. He spat the blood that came out from his mouth and wiped it with his hand. "That was a genius idea but not enough to kill me. I may not be in my hundred percent condition but still you won't be able to defeat me."

The enemy laughed only to let out a mouthful of blood. "It's not my goal to defeat you." He raised the baton and pointed it on Aizel's chest. He barely managed to do as his body was growing weaker.

Aizel looked at the baton but did not mind it. He was confident that no matter what the other was up to, he would still be the winner. The man grinned followed by click from the baton.

Major Weiss and Alpha Clive made their way towards the pack house only to be met with a gruesome scene. All of the werewolf warriors they stationed to protect Dawn were now dead. Even the house was not spared.

They rushed inside the house only to be shocked once more. Aizel was in the middle of the once pristine room with something sharp protruding from his back. Blood was flowing from the wound and to the floor as it mixed with the blackish blood of the Tenebrae that he defeated.

His hand was shaking as he held the baton and forcefully pulled it out. He fell on his knees and Major Weiss was quickly by his side. The major pulled out a bandage from his bag and quickly wrapped it around the wound that wouldn't stop bleeding.

"You should get out of here," Aizel mumbled. He gripped the major's hand to stop him from wrapping his wound. "It's no use. You should leave and call the general." He then pressed a button from his watch and the cloaking device he set up deactivated.

Clive quickly picked up the child and covered his eyes before looking down at the major. "I don't understand what's happening but we should leave this place. Let's meet up with the rest of the pack."

"Go," Aizel pushed the major. "Major, you fully know that it will only lead to tragedy if I follow you. Go and call my father that's the best thing you can do in this situation."

Weiss was reluctant to leave. He knew what Aizel mean but he couldn't just leave. Their eyes met and he saw how Aizel gave him a nod. After a moment of internal debate, he stood up and tuned around.

Clive was confused but he followed the man out of the pack house. "Why isn't he coming with us?"

"It will be more dangerous if he is with us. Go, I need to make a call to the general and inform him of the situation." Weiss pushed the Alpha and let them leave first.

The Alpha did not ask for more. He gave the major a nod before he and his son left. Weiss on the other raised his hand and one of Optimum appeared beside him. He handed him a phone and he major did not waste time in making a call.

General Leroy received the call and listened intently to what the other had to say. He stood up from where he was seated and signaled for Gale to follow him. They exited the manor and walked towards the laboratory.

After the call, General Leroy let the doctor prepare everything they'll be needing. He then entrusted all of it to Gale. The man who just arrived at Matrix City nodded towards the general before he left.

Weiss who just finished the call immediately instructed the members of the Optimum who were not injured or down to surround the pack house and monitor the situation. They were to give him report every ten minutes for anything that might happen on site.

After commanding them, he went to the area where Alpha Clive was and the others were. He saw that they were busy on that side. The wounded warriors were taken their and were currently receiving treatment. Some of the members of Optimum were also being treated there which he was thankful for.

"How is it?" Alpha Clive asked after he saw the major.

"It's not looking good and I suggest that you stay here. Don't let any of your pack members approach the area where the other pack house is." Major had a worried look on his face but he remained professional.

"If anything happens, we can help." The Alpha offered but the major shook his head.

"No need. I'm sure that Aizel wouldn't want you to see him in that situation. Take care of your pack instead, Alpha." Weiss offered a smile that rarely comes from him as he remained stoic and cold most of the time.

Clive nodded and heeded his words. He instructed several of the warriors to stay on guard and to remain silent on whatever they might hear or see. Weiss bid the Alpha goodbye before he disappeared behind the bushes back to the other pack house.

Now that the area was cleared, it felt even more ominous. The silence made the major grit his teeth. They were lucky that the main pack was one kilometer away from the pack house. He could already feel the gloomy aura that was coming from the destroyed house.

He also didn't fail to check on the reports that were being sent to him. Most of the reports said that Aizel remained on his position and didn't make any movements. It must have been because he was focusing on healing himself first. That wound was serious but he could do nothing and wait for the person that the general sent.

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