INHUMAN 7: A Bit Clueless

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Aliyah reached her apartment and flopped down on the only couch she had. Her place was a one-room apartment with a small kitchen and a sparsely decorated lounge. She was hardly home so she never gave thought of adding decorations since she transferred.

She sighed in the dark. Never did she think that she would be reduced to the position she was in right now. Until now Aliyah couldn't believe that she would encounter a sly general. This was not one of the expectations she had after becoming an enforcer. She thought that she would always fight monsters but now she became a babysitter.

Ever since she was a child, she dreamed of becoming an Enforcer. She was passionate about her chosen profession. She fought tooth and nail for what she had right now and with just a word from some general, she was reduced to a nobody once again. Another sigh came out from her mouth as she leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling.

"That general..." she clenched her fists and shut her eyes. "I won't forget what that general did and I will definitely get my revenge."

The next morning, Aliyah was looking at herself in the only full-length mirror inside her room. She tied her hair up and sighed once again before she reluctantly left for the general's manor only to find a smiling Aizel. She couldn't help but grit her teeth and calm herself with encouraging words on her mind. She was really doing a good job in holding herself back from punching and cursing her charge.

"Is there something wrong?" Aizel asked when he saw Aliyah's contorted face. He was hoping that today would be different so he decided to give the woman a smile and greet her warmly but it might not have been effective.

Aliyah took a deep breath before she answered. "Nothing," she shrugged and entered the manor like she owned it. It was early in the morning but she felt like going home.

Aizel followed inside and stood behind Aliyah. She was annoyed at the actions of the man. Yesterday he was as docile as a cat and now he was acting like a puppy. "Will you please stop standing behind me?" Aizel immediately stood beside Aliyah and looked at her with his smiling face. "Stop smiling and do what you should do today and stop bothering me."

He sensed that the woman was not happy about him being there so he reluctantly agreed to the woman's words. "Okay," Aizel slowly nodded. He gave the woman one last look before he turned around and left. He did not want to irritate her any further so even with his heavy heart he went to the garden and waved through all the plants until he came to a stop in front of a greenhouse.

His only consolation was that Aliyah couldn't leave his side because of her job. He turned around and looked at Aliyah, "Do you want to come in?" He tilted his head slightly to the side as he tried to act cute because according to a book all women like men who were acting cute.

Aliyah literally cringed at what she saw and all she wanted to do right now was just to turn around and leave. She couldn't really take a look at the general's son's actions. She was now genuinely confused. He was clearly acting like a child right now.

"Is this a joke?" She asked in an irritated voice. "Stop acting all cute, it doesn't suit a grown-up man like you."

Aizel couldn't help but frown at Aliyah's words so he stopped smiling and turned around to walk inside the greenhouse without even sparing a glance at his bodyguard. All he wanted was to become closer with Aliyah so he was making himself more approachable but he didn't expect to be reprimanded. He even tried smiling a few times in front of a mirror but it was all for naught.

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