INHUMAN 20: Back-up

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Aizel silently looked at him and let out a sigh. Yes, they took care of all the Tenebrae but he won't believe that this was all Calhoun's plan. In his opinion, they needed to be more alert than the first wave. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he felt a force colliding and shattering with the ward he sat up to reinforce the ward made by Clive. Within the blink of an eye, using his speed, he appeared just in time to block a deadly attack aimed towards Dawn who was wide-eyed in shock.

Aizel slammed through the walls which created a series of crack. The loud sound got Clive's attention and they dashed to the house. Aizel stood up and attacked the Tenebrae but his attack was easily repelled. He skidded back and looked at the enemy he was facing. At just one look, he could tell that the Tenebrae in front of him was modified with all the mismatched parts on it.

It was so like of Calhoun to wait for his enemy to lower their guards before he launches a surprise attack. Without hesitation, he activated a part of his power and transformed both of his hands into claws and gave the Modified Tenebrae a blow, followed by a kick and a series of punches. He was able to immobilize the enemy which made it easier for Clive to deal the killing blow.

"Told you, you shouldn't let your guard down," Aizel said before he collapsed on his knees holding his chest. A trickle of blood flowed out from his mouth. The modified Tenebrae's attack was able to give him internal damage.

"Are you alright?" Dawn kneeled in front of him and looked at him with worried eyes.

"Yeah, just a bit of pain." He winked and ruffled the child's hair.

Another Modified Tenebrae appeared from the broken window and attacked them. Aizel ushered Dawn behind his back and casted another ward around him before he helped Clive and Myrick deal with two more Modified. It was a bit difficult because they're a bit exhausted from the last fight.

After disposing off the last Modified, Aizel leaned on the broken wall and took a deep breath. For now, they're safe but the future was still uncertain.

"Why don't we let the agreement take effect now and I'll immediately call my father for back up," Aizel voiced out. Clive hesitated for a bit before he nodded. Seeing the enemies sent by the enemy, he knew that they couldn't do it alone. They were a powerful race, but against something that was completely unknown to them, a possibility of defeat was present.


"So, he was there," the man chuckled.

"Yes, he helped the wolves in defending the omega," the man who was kneeling reported.

"Hmmm, good for him then. He's defying me now. This would be fun." Calhoun laughed before he sent the man away. He looked at the window and silently gazed at the darkness. It seems this game has become more fun and when that person joins the fray it would be a sight to behold.


The ringing of General Aryster's phone made the conference room silent. All the men inside the room knew that only the general's private phone was open during any event and only one person would dare to call at any time. Leroy calmly stood up and answered the phone.

"Hello father," the familiar voice of his son sounded from the other side of the line.

"You really have the guts to call me after the stunt you pulled?" Leroy frowned at his son's irritating cheery voice.

Aizel laughed, "I'm sorry about that, but before you lecture me, I want you to know that I've come to an agreement with the wolves and well we need back-up?"

"Give me your location, I'll send Major Weiss and the Optimum." Leroy answered while giving a signal to Major Weiss to prepare to move out.

"That's great," Aizel give an okay sign to the wolves who were tense around him.

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