INHUMAN 2: Bodyguard

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It's been three days since the general's visit and yet he was still at the station in Matrix City. Within those three days, every enforcer was tense and on high alert because they did not want to give the general any reason to berate them or even remove them from their posts. Even though Aliyah did not care about these matters, she could still feel the tense and awkward atmosphere. All she could do was to sigh and roll her eyes at the ridiculous actions of her fellow enforcers.

'Just because of one general everyone is worrying too much, how pathetic.' She silently thought to herself as she saw how the others were practically walking on eggshells whenever they passed by the office that the general was using.

"Red, the general wants you in the chief's office now," one of the enforcers broke her thoughts. She frowned when she heard her name but there was nothing that she could do about it. She stood up and proceeded to the chief's office. After knocking, Aliyah walked inside the office to see that the general was in deep thought.

She stood in the room for a minute but the general has yet to acknowledge her presence. She coughed to get the general's attention. The general's daze was broken and he finally faced the woman.

"What do you require of me, General?" She asked in a bland tone when she saw that the general was now looking at her.

The general looked at the young woman in front of him with unfathomable eyes. She was definitely beautiful, no question there. He was able to take note of the woman's voice, cold and no hint of any emotion. Based on those things, he could already tell that the rumors were more or less true. The enforcer standing in front of him definitely lived up to his expectations.

"Please take a seat first, Enforcer Walker," the general gestured to the seat in front of him which Aliyah gladly took.

"So far, from the records that I have seen, you are an outstanding enforcer. You've got a very clean reputation although a bit intimidating, I still like it." The general spoke in a praising manner. He was like a businessman poaching for a possible investor.

Aliyah raised an eyebrow at the general's obvious coercion. He was deliberately saying things in order to make Aliyah feel at ease but she would never put her guard down. Whatever the general was hinting about, she would need to hear it herself.

"Please go straight to the point General Aryster, it's unbecoming of a person in your status to be talking nonsense and flattering a small-time enforcer like me," Aliyah sneered. She had high expectations for people who hold a high position but didn't expect them to be of no shame.

General Aryster let out a hearty laugh, he was impressed with the young woman. The rumors were indeed true, Enforcer Walker has a really sharp tongue and a straightforward personality which he liked a lot. He could also see that the woman couldn't be easily influenced nor be moved by empty words.

"I like that personality of yours, Walker. I think you are the right person for this job." He grinned and leaned on his chair in a relaxed way. Aliyah remained silent, waiting for the general to continue talking. "I have an assignment for you, I want you to be my son's personal bodyguard," the general's tone became serious.

Aliyah did not expect the words that came out from the general's mouth. 'A bodyguard? Seriously?' She sneered in her mind. "I do not take guarding jobs sir, it is not my duty," Aliyah answered in her cold voice. Being a guard dog was not one of her job descriptions and it was not her nature to babysit someone, so naturally, she would not accept that kind of assignment.

'As expected,' the general thought. "Don't worry it will only be for a short while and besides I believe that you can do this job better than anyone else since you have the qualifications I am looking for." He still insisted.

"But general, I think that there are others who are more qualified than me to do this job," Aliyah spoke again with defiance oozing from her mouth. She could not accept the job. She would rather accept a job patrolling the city twenty-four hours than watching a person without doing nothing for a whole day.

The general smiled at Aliyah's clear dislike of the job being offered. She was not afraid to speak her mind even though she was facing a general and even if she clearly knew that that general could remove her from her position as an enforcer at any time.

"Enforcer, you very well know that I can easily relieve you from your duties as an enforcer, right? And I mean not just temporarily but permanently." There were neither serious looks nor intimidating moves from the general, in fact, he said it with a smiling face and a very relaxed posture but that's how Aliyah knew that the general was serious in his threat.

Aliyah narrowed her eyes because she was not keen on being threatened. She doesn't like being controlled. "I'm an enforcer, not a watchdog." She sent the general a glare which has no effect.

"I'll give you time to think about this offer Walker. Think about this very carefully because this might affect your future as an enforcer," General Aryster gave Aliyah a provoking smile. He was not going to back down just because the woman gave him a glare.

"Thank you for the offer general but I will not accept it," Aliyah stood up and gave the general a salute before he turned around and headed for the door. She was not about to stay in there and listen to the general's nonsense and threats.

She was about to open it when she heard the general speak again, "I will give you three days Enforcer Aliyah Walker."

Aliyah shrugged and left. She didn't care what the general would do but she was not willing to stoop down to being a bodyguard. She was a proud Enforcer, not a mere bodyguard. She didn't work hard just to become a person who idles by just watching a person's every move.

Aliyah's sour mood persisted throughout the day and it made the people wary around her. No one dared to talk to her or even ask her what happened during her talk with General Aryster. All they knew was that the talk resulted in an Aliyah they would certainly avoid.

General Leroy Aryster came out of the headquarters in high spirits after his talk with the young woman. He did not like using that dirty trick in order to make her agree but he needed to do so, for his son and for Aliyah and besides, he was impressed with Aliyah's credentials and performance. He could easily say that the woman was one of their brightest enforcers. She does her job without questions or complaints. She would finish them on time and cleanly. He was indeed thoroughly impressed.

It was rare to see a person who was very serious about her work. He could see the defiance in Aliyah's eyes as she refused his offer. He was sure that he could use that passion if she agreed to his offer. General Aryster was looking forward to what would happen next.

He entered the car and instructed his driver to go straight to his manor in the city. It was better to be prepared once the young enforcer decided to accept his offer. He didn't believe that the woman would stay aloof and cold. General Aryster was confident that after three days Aliyah Walker would become his son's bodyguard.

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