INHUMAN 14: Checked

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Leroy gave his son a once over and when they reached the manor, he told the driver to go to another part of the manor. Aizel raised an eyebrow when he heard his father ordering the driver to take them to the manor's private clinic.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just going to make sure that you are fine." Leroy gave his son a smile.

"I'm not that fragile to need so much caring," he refuted with a frown on his face.

"I know that you are not fragile but you are also not indestructible. I went to the site and saw too much blood and based on your pale complexion, you are not fine. We better let the doctor check you."

The general's tone left Aizel no room to argue. He could only look away and focus on the scenery outside of the car. They remained silent after that but both knew that the discussion was not over.

They reached a single-story building behind the manor which was hidden by the tall trees. At first glance, the building looks very plain and simple but upon entering, the tiled floor and pristine surroundings would give one a refreshing and clean feeling. The walls inside were all painted in white with the addition of green plants in each corner to give it a bit of color.

It was once a warehouse that was then converted into a private clinic and some part of it was made into an armory. The place was equipped with the latest security devices and all areas were monitored 24/7. All corners and hallways were monitored with cctv devices to avoid any blind spots.

A tall and lean man met them at the entrance and greeted them with a smile. "I'm glad to see that you brought back the young master in one piece."

General Leroy laughed, "he brought himself to me on his own."

"Are we going to just stand here and talk?" Aizel was a bit irritated at the teasing his father and the doctor were going.

"Yes, yes no need to frown. Come let's move to the laboratory for checking." He gestured for them to follow.

They entered a small hallway on the right side of the spacious reception area and came to a door, the doctor removed his ID and placed it on the door's personnel detection screen. After the ID was scanned and verified, he then inputted a password to open the first layer of the door. He looked back and signaled for the general to take over. General Leroy stepped forward and placed his palm on the print scanner, after the verification, a retinal scan was also done to complete the security protocol. The main door was opened and a room full of medical equipment appeared in front of them. The room also has a sitting area and a hospital bed.

"Do we really have to go to all that security protocol just to enter this room? I'm tired of this long procedure." Aizel complained in a slightly childish tone. He's been agitated and exhausted from all that happened that he couldn't control his emotions.

"Yes, that's why it's called a protocol so we need to follow it. This room is also special and you know the reason why." General Leroy directly sat on one of the chairs in the small waiting area. "Doctor, please proceed."

Aizel grudgingly went to the bed and lied down. Doctor Asano Hiroki smiled as he stood beside Aizel. Beside the bed was an equipment for scanning the body. The doctor stepped back after he pressed a button under the bed. A transparent material slowly unfolded from the right side of the bed and formed a dome that enclosed the bed.

After the bed was fully enclosed, the doctor maneuvered the scanning equipment. The top part of the equipment connected with the dome. After the equipment was fully connected, the dome lit up then it slowly dimmed and the once transparent dome became opaque.

Doctor Asano stood behind the body scanner where the monitoring screen was. He pressed the screen several times and the dome lit up once again. On the screen a human body simulation appeared and beside the simulation, words were slowly being typed. The human body simulation also displayed different colored areas.

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