INHUMAN 9: Quitting

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Loki raised a brow at the woman's bad mood. He looked intently at her to figure out what happened because he wanted to know. After a while, he decided to just humor the woman.

"Oh wow, you'll develop wrinkles faster than me with that frown on your face. How will you have a boyfriend if you always look like that? You'd surely scare all the men to death." He joked in an attempt to lighten the mood but as usual, he miserably failed to do so.

Aliyah was already in a bad mood and Loki's joke made her more agitated. With swiftness, she held her gun on Loki's face. "Stop bothering me or you'll find a hole in your skull."

"Woah, woah, woah! Okay, okay I got it!" Loki backed off and didn't bother Aliyah anymore. He still wanted to live and he knew that Aliyah was not joking either.

They continued their patrol and encountered some Chimera Tenebrae. Their number was greater than the last group Aliyah encountered. "Why are there so many chimera?" She asked the other enforcers who were with her.

Most of the time and according to the records of the Enforcer Information System, chimera groups didn't usually exceed ten members and each group wouldn't stay in the same place to hunt. This was unprecedented.

"We also don't know. For the past few nights, we have been encountering more and more Chimera, they're like cockroaches that breed too fast. The Headquarters has not sent any information regarding this matter and regarding the incident with the Vampiric. What we received was just an order to eliminate all Tenebrae that may appear in the city." Loki explained. He was also confused as to why the Headquarters didn't give them more information on what was really happening. All they could do now was to wait and see.

Although the general and the chief were there to plan out everything, it was still not foolproof since they didn't know what they were facing or what they were about to face in the future. The situation wasn't escalating for now but nobody could tell what may happen for the next few days or even weeks.

"Tsk, you can't really trust those people in high positions. Let's just investigate on our own and gather all the information we can rather than waiting for them to respond. We might suffer a backlash if we keep on waiting without an assurance of a definite answer." Aliyah was dismayed by how their superiors were managing the affairs of the enforcers. In her view, they don't really care about the people or their enforcers. What they were thinking was how they could profit from everything.

They stopped talking when they noticed the large group of chimeras moving. They nodded to each other and formed two groups to surround the chimeras. With her anger that didn't subside, Aliyah went on a killing spree.

She wasn't bothered by all the blood sticking on her clothes and skin. She was like the grim reaper, merciless and cold. With every bullet that shot from her gun, a chimera would fall to the ground. Loki and the other enforcers became onlookers at the bloody sight. They didn't dare to step in or help Aliyah in fear that a bullet might hit them too.

After the Lieutenant's rampage, the place was saturated with the metallic smell of blood mixed with gunpowder. "Wow, you are really pissed." Loki couldn't help but exclaim. Aliyah shrugged her shoulders and didn't give an answer. She was in a good mood after she vented her anger.

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