INHUMAN 17: Target

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"They are called Omega, they represent the end of everything. According to legends, they're more powerful than an Alpha. According to various records, howls similar to what we have heard represents that an Omega has awakened and the emergence of so many wolves only backs up this theory." He explained with a creepy smile on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, what legend are you talking about? These monsters only appeared fifty years ago. Those stories are nothing but lies." Aliyah countered, those legends have no proof and have not been proven. Those ridiculous legends were only popular with people who were obsessed with the supernatural.

Aizel gave them a meaningful smile and didn't speak again. Loki shrugged his shoulders and didn't actually believe what Aizel said. It was a common knowledge that those obsessed with the supernatural would be the only people who would give Aizel's word importance.

They reached the station and took a bit of rest before they all left and went home. Outside the station, Loki was still walking with Aizel. "You know you're quite different from the first time I met you, why is that? I mean that day I saw you with Red, you were acting a bit more like a child compared to what you are now," Loki's voice faded after seeing the frown on Aizel's face. Sensing that it was not a good idea to continue the topic, he reluctantly dropped it.

Without hearing any response from the man, Loki and Aizel parted. In the station's parking lot, Aizel went straight towards a black motorcycle. He stopped for a while before he sighed and hopped on the motorcycle to go home.

Aizel reached the manor and was immediately called by his father to his office. He took a seat and waited for his father to finish what he was doing.

"How was your first night of hunt?" The general asked after placing the pen he was holding on the table. He then looked at his son's cold face.

Aizel shrugged, "Fine, nothing different from what I have been doing for the past years." He relaxed and leaned on the chair. General Leroy was silent for a moment and a smile appeared on his mouth.

"That's good. I could see that you enjoyed it." Aizel wondered how his father knew what he was feeling. He often wondered that maybe his father was not suitable for his current profession. He didn't refute his father's words and just gave a nod.

"Have you located the Omega?" He knew that his father was already investigating the matter and had commenced a search for the legendary Wolfic. The moment that those howls echoed through the city he already knew that his father was on the move.

"Not yet, it's not easy to find something purposely hidden from the human eye," Leroy stood up and faced the window, deep in thought.

"But you need to hurry up though, I'm sure that Cayn is already on the hunt for this Omega. He would definitely double his efforts, especially if he is still on his hobby. If he wanted something, he could get it." Hearing his son's words, Leroy solemnly agreed.

He also thought of this matter. Cayn's connections were full of unconventional means and people. If he really wanted to find this Omega he could easily do it in the fastest time possible. That's why Leroy had already instructed his team to double their efforts. If the Omega falls into the enemy's hands, it would be disastrous.

Newly awakened Omega's, according to the legends were comparable to a newborn baby, it was completely defenseless and vulnerable. It's the reason why waves of Wolfic will gather and protect the Omega. Though Omegas were the most powerful kind of Wolfic Tenebrae, they still needed protection as they grew in strength, especially at this crucial moment. The moment Cayn finds its location there would surely be a blood bath.

"I've already instructed the team to double their efforts, we will find the Omega before Cayn does," Leroy assured Aizel and himself. It's a race against time and they didn't have the pleasure of doing things slowly.

The night deepened and at a very remote location on the southern mountains surrounding Matrix City, wolves were gathered around a large cave. They were waiting for something to happen. It was once in a millennium that an Omega would be born to them. They were both excited and anxious, excited to see the Omega and anxious because they knew that this event had already attracted much attention.

These wolves have tried their best to live as far away as possible from human civilizations or any other races to preserve their lives but still, the humans would find them from time to time until they were then included to the list of enemies the humans have made and they were labeled as the Wolfic Tenebrae. Alphas of different packs have made countermeasures against the human enforcement organization and have evolved so many times but still, they couldn't seem to remove this label on them.

One Alpha at that time proposed that they should communicate with the human organization, most Alphas didn't agree but no one stopped the Alpha from doing his plan. The ending was an expected tragedy, the Alpha's life was taken and his whole pack was wiped out. No talk ever began before the human enforcement organization launched an attack against them. After seeing this outcome, the Alphas all came to a unanimous decision of avoiding the humans and to lessen their pack's association with any of them. From that time on, no more wolves were seen.

All wolves gathered in that place suddenly perked up after hearing soft footsteps coming from the cave. Their eyes were glowing in expectation. A child of age 6 or 7 came out from the cave and looked around him in curiosity. He appeared to be a little bit sleepy and moved towards one of the Alphas standing on the side. He stretched his arms signaling the person to carry him. The Alpha warmly smiled and carried the child. This Alpha was one of the strongest wolves that leads the largest pack of wolves in the entire country. He was called Clive Wulfric and the child he was holding was his son, Dawn Wulfric.

What happened was a very rare occurrence, Clive didn't expect that at his son's wolf awakening, he would become an Omega, the most powerful kind of wolf to be ever born. Their race has waited for a millennium and now an omega finally awakened amongst them. This was a cause for celebration but they didn't dare to lower their guards, even if knowledge regarding Omegas were scarce, they knew that many humans still knew about it. And some greedy people were surely out there searching for them.

"Make sure that all exits and entrance and all possible places that could be used to enter this place must be tightly sealed. We don't want unwanted visitors to be able to enter. Our top priority at the moment is to make sure that no one could get near my son." His second in command nodded.

Clive Wulfric, silently looked up at the bright moon and hoped that everything would be alright. They already did what they could to secure their home and had sworn to protect this home till death.

The night passed but the atmosphere was still tense. Clive watched his son peacefully sleeping without a care in the world. If only, if only they could stay like this forever then he would be very happy. He shook his head to rid him of these thoughts because no matter how he wished or hoped, the world they were currently living will never be peaceful.

A knock sounded through the door at the first ray of light, Clive stood up and opened the door. His second in command was standing there with a serious face.

"We have news." His second in command informed him and signaled for them to go to the Alpha's office.

Clive nodded, looked back at his sleeping son once more before he silently stepped out and closed the door. The two men entered the Alpha's office which was opposite his son's room. The office was lightly decorated with only a table and a few couches for visitors and a four-layer bookshelf. They both sat down and Alpha Clive waited for his second in command to talk.

"As you have expected, humans have started to move, from the information we were able to get, two main groups were looking for the omega. One seems to be from the Human Enforcement Organization and the other is a private team and we don't know what their intentions were." The second in command relayed the information he received from their spies.

"How about the HEO, what's their reason for searching?" He asked while the tapping of his hands could be heard inside the silent room.

The second in command flipped the paper he was holding and frowned, "The reason is also unknown."

"Be discreet, I want to know the reasons of these people." The second in command nodded and was about to stand up when the alarm system for their hideout suddenly alarmed.

They both run out and immediately entered Dawn's room to see him awake because of the noise. "Check what's happening, I'll stay here just in case. Report to me immediately."

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