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Nobody's POV:

As all the members slowly calmed down, to the most that they could Chan had sent them all to bed telling them they still had a flight, and he would get it figure out tomorrow. But nobody knew about the littlest one's phone call in the hallway, or what the plan was to actually bring her back.

As the boys started to wake up to the sound of their alarms, one in particular wake up to a note on the bedside table. He was confused by it being there but as he picked it and read what was on it, he become worried and upset.

He left the room rushing down the hallway, banging on a door that opens to a very sleepy leader. He was handed the note, and he was no longer sleepy. He rushed back in his room grabbing his phone calling someone over and over again, with no answer on the other end, it going straight to voicemail. 

In the process of doing this the younger member in his room had done now woke up, very sleepy and confused as to why his leader was freaking out and to why one of the youngers was in there as well. The leader who was now shaking, scared, turned to the one at the door, "Wake the guys up, now."

Han POV:

" 'I'm sorry, but I have to go get her. I hope you all will not hate me after these decisions, but I can't do this without her. Do the show without me and when I get her back, we will come back together to finish the tour. ~ Lee Minho'  So he left us, to go get Mi back?"  

I put the note down on Channie hyung bed as the rest of the members are crowded around the room. Chan is stressing and freaking out because now not only one left but two people from this damn tour, two important people have left. 

Changbin clears his throat sitting up in his chair, "I hate to say this Chan hyung but we have to still leave for the next stop. He is a grown man and I know your worried about him, but we still have to go." Chan nods his head knowing he is right, but he still doesn't like the idea. 

"I mean if Hyunjin wasn't a dick then none of this wouldn't have ever started." Seungmin mumbles under his breath, causing me and Innie who are the closest to snort trying to hold in a laugh.

 "If you're going to say something Seungmin say it fucking louder!" Hyunjin calls at him from across the room, but just because he's older don't mean Seungmin's scared of him. The only three people I have seen that puppy scared of, and two currently aren't in this country anymore and the other is Chan. 

"I said if Hyunjin wasn't a dick none of this would have ever started. Mi wouldn't have felt the way she did and left, then Lee Know hyung wouldn't have left after her. And to be honest I was thinking of doing the same thing but Lee Know just had more balls than me on this factor. Just because you're older then Hyung doesn't mean I won't step up to your ass when something isn't right." 

He gets up from his seat, grabbing his bags and heading towards the door, "I'll be in the car" and then left. Felix and Innie get up, grabbing their bags, and following behind him.  I turn to look at Hyunjin who is leaned against the wall, arms crossed. 

He rolls his eyes at Seungmin's rant, not taking this seriously, "You know hyung he's right, you cannot take this seriously, but you hurt Mi noona and she left because of what you said to her because you couldn't have her. Then Lee Know left because he is in love with her, and he wants to be with her and their kids." 

I get up from my seat grabbing my bags and walk to the door, I turn back to him a little. "What happened between me, and Mi is our business and is the past. Lee Know hyung loves her and so does Seungmin. Felix and Innie miss having someone to talk to when they are bored or want to love on someone with cuddles. Channie hyung misses having an extra parent to help with us, and Changbin hyung misses having an ear to listen to his lyrics. You might not take this seriously, but we all miss having her and you fucked that up and won't say you're in the wrong." 

As I finish my rant Changbin hyung had ended up next to me with his stuff and we walk out the door. 

God Mi, I really hope you can come back to us we miss you.


Why... why is it all of the secrets get told to me or I always walk into them. After my call with Mi noona I have tried to keep to myself. I know she isn't telling me to lie to the boys, but she trusts me, and it makes my heart warm that she trusts me to keep secrets. 

After me and Felix hyung joined Seungmin hyung in the car Han hyung and Changbin hyung end up joining us before Channie hyung and Hyunjin hyung finally came into the car. 

What Hyunjin hyung did wasn't okay and I hope he realizes that or this group is going to keep at each other throats. Mi noona didn't cause this, Lee Know and Seungmin hyung didn't cause this, he did.

Being one of the quiet ones I sit back and watch a lot of things that happen and hear a lot of things that go on. He's jealous, that is what the problem is. He has liked her since she came in to our lives, but she doesn't have the same feelings for him and she has never showed it that way.

But hope fully after this plane ride, we can contact Lee Know hyung because we are about to be more messed up if we don't.

After we got off the plane, STAYS at the airport noticed Lee Know hyung and Mi noona weren't with us, and news spread fast. We made it from the airport to the hotel and articles had come out about the two missing from our plane ride. 

They know something has happen and they will find out soon if we don't get them both back and if someone see's Lee Know hyung in Korea.

As we got to the hotel room, Seungmin hyung got his own room but about 10 minutes after me and Felix hyung had started to settle he was at our door because he was bored and lonely.

After about a hour of us playing games, Channie hyung called to tell us to come to his room so we could talk. As we enter the other three were already there waiting, so we take a seat as Channie hyung is rubbing his forehead is with his. 

"Okay so I called the company, Lee Know has made it back there but Mi hasn't. Nobody has heard from her since the text from Innie and haven't seen her either." Oh shit, my hands start to sweat as the pressure builds in my chest. "Actually, Channie hyung there is actually something I ne-" 

A knock at the door stops the words from spilling out of my mouth. We could all see the door as Changbin was the closest so he gets up he opens it and gasp.



HiHi my lovely's

I know I know y'all are going to kill me, but you know you love the drama.

So don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your library if you haven't already.

Till next time goodbye my flowers.

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