Gone with the Wind

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Nobody's POV:

Lee Know storms into his hotel room that is currently holding four other members, looking for something or rather someone. He was a man on a mission, and that mission was about to get someone hurt.

 He spots them leaning on the wall, currently on his phone trying to keep himself busy as they were all waiting for some type of news. Lee Know makes his way around the bed, grabbing into the collar of his shirt, pushing him what could be further into the wall, making him drop his phone to the floor. 

2 hours earlier

Chris POV:

"Hey, have you guys heard from Mi?" After seeing mine and Felix's parents, going out to eat for lunch and having our last concert in Sydney, we all came back to the hotel to chill out before we have to get up for our four-a.m. flight. 

All the boys expect for Felix and I.N are currently in my room, saying they wanted to play some games they had brought with them. I take off my headphones, turning to Lee Know who is currently laying across my bed with his eyes closed, taking up the whole bed expect for a spot at the top that Han is currently laying on. 

"Nope not since the concert, she left before we did. Andrea said she had a headache and wanted to get some sleep." He nods his head, closing his eyes again. I go to put my headphones back on but am stopped with a knock at the door. I look at the boys putting my headphones down, "Did one of you order something?"  

I hear a bunch of no's as I'm walking to the door, I open it to see a very stressed-out Felix bouncing back and forth on his feet. " Hey Lix, you good?" He shakes his head no very fast causing me to move aside to let him walk in. 

The other seem to notice his uneasiness causing them to all to sit up and get off their phones. "What is it Felix?" Changbin asks him, standing up from the chair he was sitting in to stand by his side. "As I was coming over here, I was walking past Mi noonas room..."  

I put my hand on his back rubbing it up and down to let him know to take his time, "It's okay, take your time Lix, no one is ru-" "They were cleaning out her room when I walked by... Mi's gone." He rushes out in a hurry.

This causing Lee Know and Seungmin to get up from where they were as the rest of us freeze trying to register all that was just said in that short little sentence.  "Wait... what do you mean she's gone... no she can't be."  Lee Know picks up his phone, typing on it then putting it to his ear.. it goes straight to voicemail. He tries again with the same thing going to voicemail.

Seungmin put his hand on the phone that was about to be put back up to Lee Know's ear for the sixth time, "She isn't answering, give it a rest will you." Lee Know whips his hand from under Seungmin's, throwing his hands to the side, "No I can't give a damn rest Seungmin, Felix said Mi isn't in her room, that they are cleaning it out and she isn't answering my fucking calls its going straight to voicemail. I'm sorry that I'm a little worried that something is going on and you're not."

Seungmin steps closer to him, getting face to face, "Say that again I fucking dare you because I am worried but I'm not going psycho about it and blowing up her damn phone when you know she isn't answering it."

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