🍄Little tension🍄

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Mi pov:

               When you say the expression 'the tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a knife', that's how it is in the back seat of this car right now. But not just any tension, sexual tension.

Since I saw him walk into the dorm I haven't been able to keep my eyes off of him or my thoughts from not being dirty. He hasn't either, every time I look at him I catch him staring at me up and down almost drooling like he is an animal and I'm a juicy piece of meat.

We got to know each other really well at dinner. We found each others hobbies and what we like and dislike. Everything was going great my thoughts were kept to a minimum till we got back into the back seat of the car and he put his hand on my thigh.

I know your thinking 'Mi why would that be a problem?' I'll tell you why, because my dress goes a little higher then half way in my thighs when I sit down and he is playing with the hem of my dress. Extremely close to the heat pooling up inside my core.

I rub my thighs together squeezing to stop the thoughts. I see him use his free hand to adjust his crotch area of his already tight pants. I don't mean to look but I do and I can see the perfect outline to his boner forming.

I squeeze my thighs tighter if that's even possible and he takes notice and grips on to my thigh. I see out of the corner of my eyes he has a smirk forming on his lips knowing what he is doing to me.

The car stops at the dorms and he jumps out of his side before I can even take off my seatbelt. He opens my door and helps me out not even saying bye to the driver and take my hand. I see he has his keys in his other hand and I'm guessing we are going to his half of the dorms.

We get to the door and he unlocks it going inside taking off his coat. I close the door and when I'm turning around I'm pushed back on to it with a good force. His hands are gripped onto my hips as he smash's his lips onto mine. I drop my bag on the floor by the wall and slip out of my heels making me drop down from his height to 5 inches shorter.

I wrap my arms around the base of his neck and he brings his hands lower to my ass tapping twice signaling me to jump, which I do, wrapping my legs around his such tiny sexy waist as he grips my ass. He makes his way to his room opening the door and closing it with his foot not breaking the kiss.

He puts me on the bed pulling back from me taking off his glasses and pulling his shirt revealing his tone chest and perfectly shaped abs. I let out a soft little moan biting my lip just looking at him.

I back up to his face and his eyes turn dark, "God I wanted to fuck you so hard in that car. Make you moan and scream my name and see that driver get jealous that he couldn't have you as his own" I prop up on my elbows as he get on the bed putting a arm on each side of my body caging me in.

He leans down and I can feel his breath on my ear making me get tingles down my body. "Can I make you feel good tonight princess?" He asks me kissing on my neck not leaving marks just light peppery kisses.

I nod my head but that wasn't enough, "I need you to be vocal for me, can you do that sweetheart?" He goes back up to my jawline. "Yes" he stops and grabs my jaw with his hand not hard just enough to get my attention. "Yes what?"

Oh it so got my attention alright and he turned me on even more. "Yes sir" I look through my lashes looking at him. "Good girl" he captures my lips with his, tongue sliding into my mouth fighting me for dominance.

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