New friend

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"This is Ms. Kang how may I help you?" I answer as I pick up my office phone. Only people that work here beside the kids have this number.

"Hi yes ma'am this is this stray kids manger I am speaking with correct?" I pause of hesitation, not knowing who was on the other end.
"Can I ask who is calling?" "I'm the manger for Itzy I was wanting to know if you could come to my office to help me with something?" I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding, thanking the heavens that it wasn't someone crazy who got the number.

" Yes I can which floor?" "The same floor your on but I'm three doors down from you. I will see you in a minute." She hangs up before I could reply. I put the phone down grabbing my own and my coffee leaving my office.

As I get to the door I see 'Kemp' on a name plaque. I knock on the door waiting a few seconds before I here a come in. As I walk in I see a beautiful dark skinned woman with curly reddish purple hair and glasses sitting at the desk.

"Ahh Ms. Kang," she gets up from her seat taking off her glasses walking around her desk to me. She shakes me hand "Lovely to meet you I'm Ms. Kemp but you can call me Tabby. Sit please." She goes back to her chair and I sit in front of her desk.

"Please call me Mi, but can I ask what you needed my help with?" She puts her glasses back on looking at her computer.
"Oh yes as you know before the kids tour a show is being held for MC and we were asked to pick two out of our groups for a stage. I was wanting to know who is going to do it so I can tell the girls and get the scheduling figured out."

I pull out my phone checking because I sent out a message to Chris about a hour ago asking who he thinks should do it. He ask what was the theme they would be going for.

"Do you know what theme they are looking for,like style?" She looks back at her computer putting her glasses on her head turning back to me. "It says any style so I guess the groups get to pick what them and song they want to do." I answer Chris back letting him know.

"I'm sorry I'm asking the leader who he thinks just because I'm still a little new to this and then I don't know their dance styles just yet and wanted his input on it." She laughs

"Girl your fine, I did the same thing with my leader. But there is nothing wrong with asking him for help with things like this. Yes you are their manger but you don't know them like that to determine who you think would fit something, I did a lot of that at the start but the girls help and it made us stronger. I go to their dorm every Friday night for a sleepover."

My phone dings from a text telling me Chris answered back. "So he says Han and Hyujin s-" my phone dings again but with a text from Hyujin and I let out a sigh.

"But Hyujin says that Lee Know should take it because he himself always gets asked to do this stuff and he doesn't.... So I guess we are going to go with Han and Lee Know to do the stage."

Well crap that means I have to deal with him more. I know that makes me sound like a shitty manger but I have been avoiding him like a 12 year old who thought he had cooties. I let out another sigh heavier this time dropping my phone in my lap.

She types in her computer, most likely doing the schedule, but stops and looks at me. "What's wrong and don't tell me nothing I work with a girl group I know how they act."

"Umm ... It just something I'm not ready to discuss out yet nobody else knows and its just hard at the moment." I bite on the inside of my cheek contemplating on if I could trust this random stranger with my secret. I'm not ready to tell anyone yet, I know it will have to come out soon but now is not the time.

"That's fine dear you don't have to tell me if you don't want. Somethings don't have to be said, but just know I'm only a couple doors down." I nod my head thanking her.

"Now would you like to go get some lunch with me?" She closes her computer, putting her glasses on top of her head. She grabs her phone standing up, making sure she has her keys.
I stand up as well as my phone goes off. Seungmin texts me telling me he is in my office waiting for whenever I get done with what I'm doing for us to go have lunch.

" I would love to but I'm going to have to decline on this one. One of the boys asked if I wanted to go to lunch this morning with him. But since we have to meet on Friday to start to group stage we can go down to the cafe while they are practicing if you would like?"

We get outside her office and she locks the door turning to me. "No worries go have lunch with your boys you need to bond with them. But that other idea sounds fantastic I would love to.. here" she gets a card out of her pants pocket and hands it to me.
"That's my phone number so you can text me if anything happens with the boys and you need help or you just need someone to vent to. It's only us two that are female mangers so it was lonely before you came along and I would a new friend here."

I take the card putting it in the back of my phone case so I don't lose it. "I would love that thank you so much Tabby really, I will see you on Friday." I wave bye to her walking down the hall back to my office. It's going to be nice having a new friend here.

Hihi my loves I hope you enjoyed the chapter
A new character how do y'all feel about her?

Yes you will see her more she is going to be a regular character in the book.

But her, Lee know and Han being together. Maybe drama....

But like comment and follow if you would like and that all for now
Bye my flowers 🌸🌸

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