Chapter 46

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We come to the doors, bowing our heads to the guards standing on either side of the doors. I move off to the side where nobody can see me. "Entering our Future King, Prince Nicholas." The doors open slowly allowing Nicholas to walk through. The doors slowly close behind him.

I slowly move, standing in front of the large doors. "Entering our Future Queen, Queen Katarina of Adhara!" The doors slowly swing open, allowing everyone to turn back towards me. I keep my head high, walking into the ballroom. His people keep an open walkway towards the thrones in the back of the room. I smile, looking at Nicholas sitting on his throne.

I move my hands in front of me, getting closer to him. I pick up the front of my dress as I slowly lower myself to the floor. Bowing in front of him. "Husband!" I slowly raise my eyes, standing back up. He does the same, I gulp down a breath. I don't know why I get so nervous when he stands this close.

"Wife." he smiles, taking my hand. I walk beside him, turning towards his people. Slowly sat down on our thrones.

"LONG LIVE THE WOLF AND DRAGON!" I smile over at Nicholas, watching Ace jump up onto the throne, walking behind me. Lying down on my right side between Nicholas and me. "LONG LIVE THE WOLF!!" Lesephunth sits on the floor in front of Nicholas, laying her head down between her paws. "LONG LIVE THE DRAGON!?!" Luna lays down on the left side of the chair. The rest lay down on the steps in front of us. Their heads raised to look over the crowd. "LOVE LIVE THE WOLF AND DRAGON!!!"

I sit up straight, looking over our people. Seeing the mixture of red and blue in the room. Guards talking amongst one another, casually turning towards us to toast our marriage. I smile down at my wolves, they are no longer just my protection but our protection. They lay their heads down between their paws, completely wiped out from the long day. "They look exhausted?"

"They are, this has been a very long day for them." I look over at him. "I just want to say-"

"Behold your highnesses." I turn my head, watching a man walk up to the bottom steps, holding out a small cage of two golden rabbits. "This pair of golden rabbits were captured from the burrows in the Northern Mainlands... While elusive, they are known to carry a great deal of good luck! May you both be blessed with fertility and-"

"Thank you!" Nicholas chuckles, cutting the man off. I smile, having no idea who this man is.

"Your gift is very much appreciated, kind sir." I sit still, seeing many people waiting in line to bring us gifts. I slowly lean over and Nicholas does the same. "I don't mean to be rude, but who are all these people?" I whisper, looking him in the eyes.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." He responds under his breath. "Is everything alright?"
"Everything is perfect." I smile, straightening up. Watching a woman walk up to us. I kind of zone out, brushing my fingers through Ace's fur on his side.

"My Queen?" I raise my eyes, realizing Nicholas is standing in front of me. His hand stretched out to me.

"Yes?" I look up at him, my hand hovering over Ace's fur.

"Care to dance?"

"Love too." I raise my hand, laying it in his. I push myself up onto my feet. My wolves move out of the way for us. Nicholas leads me out onto the dance floor, He swings his arm outside, turning me towards him. His right hand slides around my waist, pulling me close to him. His pure smile is back on his face. His fingers stay curled over mine, leading us to the dance floor. The music bleeds over the room, surrounding Nicholas and I. feel as though we are the only ones in the room.

"Everyone is watching us." I smile.

"No, they are all watching you." His smile turns devilish. His hand leaves mine, putting it on my waist. I quickly place my hands on top of his as he pulls me up into the air. I giggle as he spins us around. He sets me down, spinning me before bringing me back against him.

The music slowly comes to an end. The prince and I take a step back from one another. I watch him slowly start to bow. I smile, bowing my head as I curtsey. I straighten up slowly, taking Nicholas's hand. The people around us roar with clapping. I keep my eyes on Nicholas, walking with him back to the throne.

We turn away from one another again, sitting down. I lay my hand on top of Ace's back. "Look, I know this day has been long and rather tiring, but it is almost over. Just try and hang on a little while longer." I lean over, laying my head on Nicholas's shoulder. Watching a group of dancers come out onto the floor.

"Alright." I smile, moving my eyes around the room. Spotting my brother in the back of the room, standing with a group of elders. Standing away from all the red. My eyes move, stopping by the door. Seeing Alic, I smile waiting for him to smile back but he doesn't. My smile fades, watching him turn. Leaving the room, I sigh rubbing my cheek against Nicholas's shoulder. I lower my eyes, looking back at the back of Ace's head. "We are married." I lower my eyes, looking down at the band on his finger.

"Yes, we finally are." He chuckles.

"Protect each other? No matter what?" I whisper.

"Definitely." He kisses the top of my head. I smile, turning my fingers in Ace's fur.

"Milady?" I turn my head, seeing Maya with two other maidens.


"It's time..." They smile. I sit up, looking at them confused. 

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